Chapter 14

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Hope was in her room with the girls hoping to get a call or a text from Alaric, because she would rather be on a mission then be here avoiding all the questions the girls are asking.

The weekend came and the squad decided to head to the grill and walk around town for the day. After they walked out of the grill Rafael put his arm around Hope since everyone knew they were a thing thanks to Lizzie and Maya. As they where walking down the street they ran into a familiar face to Hope and Raf that is.

Hope: Landon what are you doing here?

Landon: I ah... Got placed with a family here. What are you doing here?

Hope: Got a free day so we decided to come into town.

Landon: Ah I see. Hi Raf it's been awhile.

Rafael: Ah... Yea its been a while what have you been up to?

Landon: Not much you.

Rafael: Same mainly been studying and trying to keep my grades up.

Lizzie: Ok well this is nice and all but Hope we only have limited time before we have to head back.

Hope: You go ahead with the others we will catch up.

As she was talking with Lizzie her phone goes off.

Lizzie: let me guess mission time?

Hope: No it's my aunt I have to take this Lizzie go with the others Raf and I will catch up with you later ok.

Lizzie: Ok. Let's go people.

Hope ruled her eyes at Lizzie and answered her phone.

Hope-H Freya-F

H- Hey auntie Freya.
F- Hey Hope what are you doing right now?
H- Just in town with my friends why?
F- Hey since you are already in town can you head to the house I think I left one of my grimors there.
H- Sure which one am I looking for?
F- The light brown one volume 4.
H- Ok I'll head right over I'm right across the street from there now.
F- Ok thanks so much.
H- Any time talk soon auntie Freya.
F- Talk soon Hope.

When Hope got off the phone with her aunt she walked over to Raf and Landon.

Hope: Hey I'll be back I have to head over to my family's house to see if my aunt left a book there message the group chat when your done to figure out where everyone is ok.

Rafael: Ok babe see you later. Oh before you go since it's in a week what do you want for your birthday?

Hope: Nothing cause I don't celebrate my birthday since my parents and I know you know this cause I've told you before. Everyone knows it and if you see Lizzie before me let her know if she tries to throw me a party this year I will murder her.

Rafael: Yes ma'am.

With a quick kiss Hope went to her family's house and when she walked in she went straight to the office to look for the book and when she didn't find it there she went to the library and couldn't find it anywhere as she walked in the kitchen to grab a water she spotted a familiar blonde.

Hope: Freya what are you doing here and where is Kyleen and the baby I miss them so much.

Freya: They will be here just in time.

Hope: No I've told this to so many people I don't want a party and you know why.

Freya: Hope it's been two years...

Hope: And in 50 years I still won't celebrate.

Freya: Fine at least would you let Kyleen and I take you out with baby Nick when they get here.

Hope: Fine when are the due?

Freya: Tommorow afternoon.

Hope: Ok what place cause you know us Mikaelsons need to dress to impress.

Freya: Yes I was thinking the restaurant on the outskirts of town oh and bring that cute wolf with you.

Hope: Ok I'll bring Raf with me you going to pick us up or are you going to send a car?

Freya: I'll send you a car cause you don't need a babysitter so you?

Hope: No aunt Freya we do not, see you tomorrow than and tell Kyleen I said hi when she get in tonight.

Freya: How did...

Hope: It's on the fridge see you tomorrow.

With that Hope walked out of the house and into the clothing store to get a new dress and a tux for Rafael.
As she was checking out she got a text.

Super Squad

Maya- Hopey where are you Raf said you went to your family house but no one knows where that is

Josie- I already told you it's a Mikaelson house it's not small and we only have like 3 houses like that: the mayor's and the other two I don't know

Hope- one is my family's the other Rebekah bought when her and my dad had a falling out then sold it when they moved back to New Orleans

Ethan- if I remember correctly it's all white and by the art shop

Hope- yes you are right but I'm not there oh and Raf you are going withe tomorrow for dinner with my aunt Freya, Kyleen, and baby Nick

Rafael- why and when did you find this out

Lizzie- probably when she went to the house and instead of finding a book she found a blonde

Hope- of course you knew and I already told her I'm not having a party this year

Lizzie- but Hopey y

Hope- would you people stop calling me Hopey and meet me in the square so we can start heading back to the school before it gets to late

M.G.- yes we are heading there now

As the teens meet up they start to head to the school when the school van drives up to them offering them a ride back to the school.

A/N: So so sorry for the late update school is starting soon for my little brother and we are trying to get things set up cause we are homeschooling also there are like two hurricanes heading straight for us so we might loose power but I will try and update again soon I also had writer's block for the longest hope you like this chapter and what do you think about Landon being back in town do you think he will stir up trouble for the happy couple or what like and comment what you think bye for now 😁😁😁😁😁

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