Chapter 29

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It's the morning after the party, and of course Hope is the first one awake. Lizzie and M.G. were together like normal sane with Josie and Maya. Hope had fallen asleep on the couch with Rafael and Kaleb and Ethan passed out on the floor. When Hope went to go on a walk and get some food Raf woke up.

Rafael: hey what you doing?

Hope: I just need some air and than I might stop to get something to eat for the group.

Rafael: Care for any company?

Hope: Sure that would be nice.

The two walked out of the room and just started walking around school and talking about everything and anything. Talking just came so easy to them and neither of them couldn't figure it out of why it was so easy. They just got food for the group and they were walking in the room to give everyone their food.

Rafael: this reminds me the first time I came to the school.

Hope: Oh yeah except last time we barely talked.

Josie: There you two are where did you go California?

Hope: We were walking around first before going to get the food oh and did you know some of the "rumors" is that I triggered my vampire side and some of them have money on it and others think I was pregnant and yeah some of them are ridiculous.

Rafael- I keep forgetting that you now have vamp hearing too.

Maya- We all do and speed.

Lizzie- Yeah that one is going to be hard to get used to.

Hope- Ok I really miss going to get milkshakes so what do you say Mystic Grill trip than go shopping?

Lizzie- I'm in mainly for the shopping thou.

Hope- Of course.

Josie- I'm in and you do realize how likely it is that we are going to run into your family since they are still here.

Hope- Oh Shit I forgot about them.

M.G- I'm in either way since you know we aren't aloud to go into town without you are a staff member since we got in trouble last time.

Kaleb- I'm in too Maya, Ethan what about you two?

Maya- if my girlfriend is going I'm going right babe?

Josie- of course we're a package deal.

Ethan- and I'm coming cause I seriously don't want to deal with anyone else in this school today.

Hope- Great I'll tell Dr.S we are heading out same cars as last time?

Lizzie- sounds great to me.

The squad walked out of the school to head into town. When they got into town square everybody was watching the spoiled rich kids arrive in their cars. Once they got out of their cars the went to some local shops first and of course they run into Bekah.

Hope: I should have known I was going to run into you here.

Rebekah: Hope what are you doing out of school?

Hope: No school today it's Sunday and we usually hit the town on Sundays cause I'm normally not on a recruitment mission it's like my only day to chill and I like to spend it with my friends.

Rebekah: Does your headmaster know that your of school grounds.

Hope: Yep I texted him to let him know that we were heading into town to go shopping and that my family was still in town so if anything happens they are here.

Rebekah: Your lucky your my favorite niece.

Hope: I'm your only niece and now that you know I'm in town my friends and I are going to have some fun before we get called back to the school.

A/N: hey sorry for the short chapter just wanted to put something out for you all I'm trying to figure out something big to give it some type of drama but I'm coming up blank so feel free to comment ideas all are welcome 😁😁😁

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