Chapter 30

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Two months have past since Hope has gotten back. Her family visits when they can. She has been in control of all of her powers. She has had slip ups here and there, but like who wouldn't. Hope and Rafael have been a couple for about one and half months now hashtag couple goals. Lizzie and M.G. are going strong same with Josie and Maya. Kaleb started to date a witch from New Orleans her name is Claire. Hope and Claire actually grew up together learning different spells and stuff when Hope wasn't away at school, but Claire accidentally set a fire at her old school so they sent her to the Salvatore School to help with controlling her magic better. Everything is going good today the super squad went into town like they do every weekend. Hope left the group for a few to head to the art store to grab some stuff she was running low on, Claire, Lizzie, Josie, and Maya went to the clothing store of course, Ethan, Kaleb, and M.G. followed the girls with the rest of the bags, and Rafael sat on a bench waiting for Hope. While Raf was waiting he heard a familiar voice.

Landon: Hey Raf is that you?

Rafael: Lan what are you doing here?

Landon: I live here now again but different family thank God.

Rafael: So how has everything been lately?

Landon: Good I actually like this place. So how have you been?

Rafael: Really good I have a girlfriend she is the best and she introduced me to a group of her friends. They all are around here somewhere.

Landon went to go ask more questions when Hope walked up not noticing Landon.

Hope: Hey babe where did everyone go?

Rafael: To yet another clothing store did you get everything you need?

Hope: Yea I...

Landon: Hope?

Hope: Landon?

Rafael: Wait you know each other?

Hope: He used to serve me milkshakes at the Grill a few years ago and don't you remember he was there when we recruited you?

Rafael: Oh yeah I forgot it's going on what a year since that.

Landon: We also danced once.

Hope: We tried for one and for two...

Rafael: Wait hold on she's The Hope you couldn't stop talking about? I thought you told me her last name was Marshall?

Landon: Cause it is.

Hope: No it's Mikaelson but let's just say my family is not well liked with the founding families.

Landon: What did they do kill them hahaha.

Lizzie: Hey Mikaelson we got to get going my dad is trying to get ahold of you.

Hope: Shit I forgot my phone in my car. It was nice seeing you again Landon but the head master is calling us back to campus.

Kaleb: Yo Mikaelson you got lucky these girls know how to shop when they have unlimited amounts of money.

Hope: Wich one of you stole my black card!

Maya: Well I would say Josie but she would get mad at me so I would say Lizzie but then Josie would yell at me again and Claire is too new to blame her so I'm keeping my mouth shut.

Hope: I swear to God Maya if you took it I will kill you cause I thought I lost it when I went I to the art store!

Hope chased after Maya all the way to where the cars are parked. While the rest of the group just watched.

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