Chapter 16

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When Hope got back to school she headed to her room to text her friends (Maya, Lizzie, and Josie) to come over and tell them what happened. When she got there she saw the three girls she was about to text. They have been waiting all night to hear about her night.

Lizzie- Ok so dish what happened.

Hope- A lot how long do you all have?

Maya- All night cause we are sleeping over!

Hope- Ok now where to start?

Josie- The beginning duh.

Hope- It started out great...

Hope told them everything that happened even Raf saying the L word and her best friend from New Orleans coming back to life.

Lizzie- What did you do about Raf saying the L word.

Hope- I froze and didn't do anything my aunt Keelin had to change the subject.

Maya- Wait Josh is back as in gay vamp Josh.

Hope- Yes and we don't know how he is back but we are going to tackle that tomorrow.

Josie- Are you sure Raf said the L word?

Hope- Yes Josie I'm sure I could call my aunt's up and they can tell you heck I'm pretty sure my little cousin can tell you what he said.

With her saying that there was a knock on her door. Maya went to go answer it well Hope took this time to change out of her dress. When Maya opened the door she saw Hope's aunts there with baby Nick.

Maya- Freya, Keelin, and Nicky what are you doing here.

Freya- We came to see how Hope is doing with everything, is she out right now?

Hope- No I'm right here changing into comfortable clothes.

Keelin- You have been back for two hours and you are now just changing?

Lizzie- Oh that would be our fault Ms. Mikaelson...

Keelin- Please call me Keelin we have to many Ms. Mikaelsons in our family.

Lizzie- Ok Keelin... we made Hope tell us what happened tonight and than we were asking a lot of questions.

Freya- So how much did she tell you?

Josie- Everything we think.

Hope- It was everything aunties they don't believe me that Raf dropped the L bomb tonight.

Freya- Oh he did and Keelin had to change the subject.

Nick- Hopey!!!

Hope- Nicky!!! I just saw you.

Nick gave Hope a hug and wouldn't let go. So Hope carried him over to her bed and sat there with him laying in her arms.

Lizzie- Aw Hope looks so cute with a baby.

Maya- Yeah she'll make a great mom.

Josie- Omg her a Raf would make the cutest babies ever.

Hope- And I will murder you all if you don't put a sock in it.

Freya- that's how the conversation started when Rafael mentioned the L word.

Lizzie- Wait he mentioned her being cute with her cousin and she said she would kill him and he dropped the bomb right there? WOW!!

Keelin- Pretty much she also mentioned that she is a Mikaelson...

Josie- Wait you threaten him with the Mikaelson threat and he said that he loved you wow.

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