Chapter 7

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Hope walked over to her dresser to get clothes to wear for bed, but before she could go change Rebekah had to ask what everyone was wondering.

Rebekah: So where were you we were about to start a search party to look for you?

Josie: She probably went to go "wolf out" and lost track of time like always.

Hope: No not tonight I actually ran into Rafael and we just talked and lost track of time. So you are only half right Josie.

Freya: Who's Rafael?

Rebekah: Yeah who? You can tell us anything.

Lizzie: Some new wolf she and my dad picked up on the last full moon that she kissed.

Hope: Lizzie, for one you kissed him too, and for two we were playing spin the bottle so yeah.

Freya: Was there drinking involved? That's all I'm gonna ask.

Hope & the Twins: No

Rebekah: Of course there was it would be a high school party if there wasn't. And we all know how Hope is.

Lizzie: What do you mean "you know how Hope is".

Hope: Nothing they know I won't do anything stupid that's it. Hey, Lizzie, you remember that thing you read on my phone before I left on my latest mission?

Lizzie: Yeah trying not to tell a certain person.

Josie: Ok I know you two are talking about me, but about what?

Hope: Ok... Um... So... You know that one party we went to about three months ago?

Josie: Yeah you disappeared for about an hour. What does this have anything to do with what Lizzie saw on your phone?

Lizzie: Oh so this is not a new thing it's been going on for three months? Man, your a better actor then I thought Mikaelson.

Hope: Shut up Saltzman.

Josie: Wait this is who you were with and you been with this person for three months and didn't tell us.

Hope: Ok so I'm going to tell you who it was as long as you don't get mad and we were never together just having some fun... Man, I wish I had some alcohol right now.

Lizzie: I wish I had some popcorn

Rebekah: Me too.

Freya: Make that three.

Josie: Ok spit it out, Hope.

Hope: It was Pen

Josie: Wait, Pen as Penelope the ex that broke up with me four months ago for no reason?

Hope: Yes we were drunk and this happened like a week after you two split.

Rebekah: Wait a sec is this what you were talking about back home.

Freya: Now I really wish we had popcorn.

Lizzie: Well at least I don't have to keep it from her anymore.

Josie: Lizzie how long did you know. 

Lizzie: Like Hope said right before she left I thought her phone was my phone so I picked it up she didn't lock it so when I looked at the phone I saw Hope canceled the plans she had that night.

Josie: So wait that's why I couldn't say here to keep a secret from Lizzie about you two kissing at the party because how far gone she was. 

Hope: Yes, ok so are you mad because if not can we get back to the after mission sleepover.

What If: A Hopel StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz