Chapter 11

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The group walked in the gym talking and laughing. When Hope and Rafael was stretching Jed came in with his pack.

Jed: Well well if it isn't the tribrid and her group of misfits.

Maya: Why do you say like that's a bad thing?

Hope: Cause he thinks since he's got a pack of teenagers that will do what ever he says that he is far more superior than us.

Ethan: But you have a pack of wolves that would die for you, a coven of witches that would die for you, a very large group of vampires that will die for you, and a family that will and have died for you. I say your is bigger then his.

Maya: Yeah what he said plus you have friends that will stand by your side alpha or not.

While that is going on Lizzie and Josie are trying to get ahold of their dad, cause if there is a fight for alpha and Hope wins. Well let's just say there will be about 30 or so wolves that can change when ever they want. The next thing you know is Dr. Saltzman coming in to break up the soon to be fight between two alphas.

After Dr. Saltzman broke up the fight Hope had to go for a run before a pin dropped. While Hope was running around to woods Rafael went to the Old Mill. When he walked in he saw Hope's art stuff and some clothes. He decided to wait there for Hope cause there was something on his mind he wanted to talk to her about. After awhile Hope came back still in her wolf form. Rafael moved out of the way and let Hope shift back and get dressed.

Hope: You can come in now.

Rafael: Hey...

Hope: Hey... How did you find me and why?

Rafael: Well I knew you where going for a run so I decided to come here and text you to meet me here, but then I saw your stuff and thought that you'd come here when you where done.

Hope: So why did you want to meet up?

Rafael: Um... Ah... I wanted to see if you were ok and just talk about whatever you want.

Hope: Like we always do but haven't done in a few days?

Rafael: Yea... So what you want to talk about?

Hope: What about the real reason you came after me even after the other probably told you not too.

Rafael: How did you know they would do that?

Hope: Because the twins know me I normally would want to be alone and not talk to anyone. You can even ask Ethan when we dated or Maya when I got into a mood and went for a run to not come after me.

Rafael: Why?

Hope: Story for another time, we where talking about you and why you decided to follow me out here.

Rafael: Oh... Ah... So... Um... Yeah.

Hope: Spit it out Raf.

Rafael stepped closer to Hope so they are now eye to eye. He stares into her eyes for a moment, and next thing she knows he crashes his lips into hers and they fall on the couch. As it was getting heated Hope's phone went off.


Alaric- Hey Mission need you it's a witch and heading to sunny California so we are taking the jet again.

Hope- ok be there soon just have to go grab my bag about how long

Alaric- about a day or two maybe more...

Hope- ok meet you at the car in about 30 mins?

Alaric-ok see you in 30 and don't forget to tell the twins

Hope- which ones

Alaric- both

Hope- ok

Hope: I got to go but we will talk when I get back.

Rafael: Ok when you going to be back?

Hope: I don't know.

Rafael: Ok talk later than.

Super Squad

Hope- hey got a mission heading out of town please help Maya and Ethan out with the Jed problem

Lizzie- we promise to keep the two little newbie wolves safe while you go get a new recruit

Maya- we don't need a babysitter for one and for two where you going

Ethan: and what are you bringing back

Josie- maybe we don't always get them

Hope- it's a witch and I'm going to Cali so yeah I got to get going message you when on my way back and only message me if there is any real trouble ok

Parker- you got it boss

M.G.- yeah what he said

Kaleb- remind me why we have to keep an eye on M&E

Hope- because if you don't I will make the rest of your life a living hell and since you are a vampire it will be a long time just remember who my dad is

Kaleb- I will make sure not one hair is misplaced on either head and I will get the other vamps on board too

Lizzie- Josie and I will get the witches on board right

Josie- they will do anything Hope says cause they are scared of her same with the vamps and wolves well except Jed

Rafael- I will keep an eye on them while we are in class and I can help with their fight training till you get back

Hope- that would be great thanks Raf see you all when we get back bye

Hope is now on her way to Cali with Dr. Saltzman. She is drawing in her sketchbook like always and he is sleeping like always. Hope loves to travel by plain, Ric on the other hand not so much. When they land at LAX they are welcomed by Davina and Kol.

Hope: How come you didn't tell me my uncle Kol and aunt Davina was going to be here?

Dr. S: Cause I didn't know Davina was your aunt and I didn't know Kol was going to be here.

Davina: There's my favorite Mikaelson long time.

Hope: Yeah. How come you didn't come visit a few weeks ago with the rest of the gang?

Davina: Because I was helping out a coven here and came across a teen witch that needs your help.

Dr. S: Is this why you asked for Hope to come because she is your niece or because this other witch needs her help.

Davina: Can't it be both?

Dr. S: Yep your a Mikaelson alright.

Davina: What's that supposed to mean?

Hope: Don't take it in the wrong way he just figuring out where I get all my qualities.

Kol: That is true she gets her snarkiness from me.

Dr.S: I would say that as a good thing and before it gets late can we go meet this witch and catch up on the way.

Davina: Yeah let's go the car is waiting for us.

A/N: They finally kissed but Ric had to ruin the moment also what do you think the witch needs Hope's help for??? Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to vote also comment what you think so far I love hearing from you all.😁😁😁

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