Blue & Grey

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Day 2 of your time in the hospital wing came around, and you woke up, and opened your eyes. You were startled to see Zach sat next to you, on the chair beside your bed. "Oh my god Zach you scared me.. when did you get here?" You asked. He didn't look up at you. "Just a while ago..." he answered. You nodded and looked down at your sheets. "Who's rose is that" he asked, but it didn't seem like a voluntary question. He wanted an answer. You looked down to see you were still holding the rose. "Oh.. this. I'm not sure," you lied. Technically, you weren't sure if it was Draco who left you the rose, but it was pretty obvious. "I just found it on the table" Zach exhaled at your words.

"So, what lessons do you have today?" You asked, trying to break the silence. He answered you uninterested. "How come you can here anyways?" You asked him. "Why. Am I not allowed to see if you're okay? Or would you rather have Draco come here" he bit back. You were confused, why was he being so mean all of a sudden. "I was just asking... since you came here on your own and yet you are barely even talking to me.." you pouted.

He looked up at you, noticing you got sad. "Y/n.... I'm sorry, I just don't know how to feel about this whole situation.." he admitted. "Zach I'd rather we just go back to how we were!! I just want to be able to talk to you freely again!" You smiled. He smiled back and nodded. "Okay y/n, I'll try"

You playfully pushed his shoulder and spoke. "So tell me, is there anyone catching your eye in class?" You judged him and smirked. He laughed along, "no, not really" You pouted, "why not?? That girl in our potions, Heather, is really cute?" He looked down. "I guess..." he said. But she isn't you he thought. "Let's not talk about this" he smiled. You understood and changed the topic.

The two of you talked for a while but it was soon time for his lesson to begin. "Y/n, if I stay here talking to you, I'm gonna be late to class. And I know you don't have to go to classes. Lucky" he rolled his eyes at you. "See you later clown" he said, flicking your forehead. "Hey!?" You laughed and waved goodbye to him.


Desperately in need of passing the time, you grabbed your sketchbook, that your friends had so kindly brought for you. You pulled out your pencils and tools and opened up the next clean page. The okay problem was, you didn't know what to draw. You weren't fond of drawing objects, you only liked drawing portraits. But there wasn't any one around for you to draw. You needed to draw a face that you already knew from memory, one that you've seen a lot.

So you put pencil to paper and drew the face that you knew inside out. Draco's.

You knew his face like the back of your hand, and so you had to draw it, not because you liked him, but because you couldn't remember anybody else's face in that much detail. You supposed all that time staring at his face had payed off. You began sketching the face shape, and you realised once again how much you loved that jawline. It was so crisp and sharp. Moving on, you started sketching the eyes. They were so beautiful. How his top lids drooped at the end. How his grey eyes would always pierce yours. How they would always turn warm when they looked at you.

You immediately shook away your thoughts, as you were obviously getting side tracked, and turned back to your sketch. But, you couldn't help but notice how perfect his nose was, how it turned up at the end, and how it was thinner at the bridge. There wasn't much about him that wasn't completely perfect.

Except for the fact that he lied to me all this time, a thought interrupted you. Great. Now you ruined your own mood. You decided to sing a song instead, so that you didn't think about him. You sang lowly, "where's my angel, the end of the day, some one come and save me please" You didn't want anyone hearing you, so you hummed some parts.

Draco walked past your room, trying to find a teacher to ask for help on his work, as he heard a humming sound. He stopped in his tracks behind the door, and listened. It sounded familiar to him. He knew the song. The voice sounded beautiful, like a siren. "I guess everyone's happy" the voice sang. "Can you look at me cause I am blue and grey.." Draco finished. He thought he had whispered it quietly, but he must've sang it louder than he thought, because the voice stopped singing. Although he had an idea of who it may be, he didn't assume, and peeked in to see who this voice belonged to.

Of course, you were sat up on your bed, with your book in your hand, looking at the door. "Who's there?" You called out. No reply. "Hello? Is anybody there?" You called out again. Draco stood in shock behind the door. He hadn't expected you to hear him. But now you knew somebody was there. He contemplated whether or not he should walk in or not. He suddenly remembered all the pain he caused you, and decided against it. Getting fed up, you stood up and walked towards the door warily. You reached the door and slowly poked your head out to see if anyone was around. Nobody was there. You became confused. "They must've left" you spoke, and shrugged it off, walking back to your bed.

Draco, ran away from your room and bumped into someone. "Ah who the f-" he shouted, before looking up to see Snape. "Oh. Professor Snape." He said. "And what do you think you're doing, running around like this, Malfoy? I expected this from the likes of Potter, but not from you" he sternly spoke. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I just had to um, get somewhere, quick" Draco quickly sputtered out. Snape looked at him, knowing fully well that this was not the truth. "Were you trying to get somewhere or were you running away from the hospital wing. Which just happens to inhabit Miss Y/n" he asked. Draco's eyes opened wide. How did Snape know? There was no denying it, since Snape obviously knew what was happening between the two of them.

"Come with me" Snape said. Draco silently obliged. Snape took him to his office, and sat him down. Draco sat on a chair opposite to his desk. "How come you've asked me to come here sir? Is something wrong?" He asked. Snape simply shook his head. "I've seen how you are with miss y/n, and I know what has gone on between you two"
"I know it was a mistake, I didn't intend on-"
"Potentially ruining your name as a slytherin and your families name? Over what, a girl? What were you thinking" Snape shouted. "I brought you here to tell you that you need to get back on track. Your grades have slipped, and you're acting soft. This is not how a slytherin should act" Draco retreated at these words, clear annoyance written on his face. "She is, after all, a gryffindor. This simply can't be done. You need to pick yourself back up before I tell your father." With each word, Draco's hands tightened into a fist. He was out of line for saying all of this, but he kept his mouth shut. "Imagine how Lucius would react when I tell him that his son is tainting his name that he worked so hard for.... tragic" Snape finished.

"Are you done?" Draco asked, through gritted teeth. Snape, shocked at his comeback, replied, "yes".

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