Beacon Of Hope

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[before I get into it, I just wanna say thank u all for 300 reads🥺 I never imagined that many people would read my story!! Thank u I love u❤️]

You sat in the field, and watched the grass sway with the wind, with tears in your eyes. Until, a hand tapped you on your shoulder. You were shocked, but you slowly turned, thinking it might be Draco. You didn't want to have to deal with him right now, but it would be a kind gesture to come looking for you. You turned to see someone completely different. You didn't even recognise their face. He was a South Asian boy, with beautifully brown skin, and honey eyes. He was probably the most gorgeous boy you'd have ever laid your eyes on. Before the silence became too awkward, you spoke. "Im sorry, who are you?" You stared into his eyes. He smiled, flashing his perfectly straight and pearly white teeth. "I'm Zach, yeah I'm new. I just came in this year, sooo that's probably why you don't recognise me, sorry for the scare. Just, I'd seen you walk over here and it looked like you were crying, so I thought I'd check on you!" He smiled with sincerity. "Oh, well, nice to meet you Zach" you said back. So it wasn't Draco. He didn't want to see if you were okay after all then. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" He asked, his eyes scanned your face. "Umm it's nothing, dont worry about it" you replied, but as you were choking your tears back, the dam broke and your tears poured out of your eyes. Zach embraces you in a hug and patted your head. "It's alright, it's gonna be okay" he whispered softly. You gave into the hug and tried to calm yourself down.

After a few moments, you pulled away and looked at him. This boy was being so kind to you and you didn't even know each other. "If you must know," you began speaking. You thought, you may as well tell him, since he'll hear the rumours soon enough. He may aswell know the truth instead. He sat up straight and listened. "Me and this guy, Draco, I'm not sure if you know him, we used to be best friends. We were inseparable as children, but as we grew, we grew apart. He became more focused on his social life, and decided to 'drop' me because my family and I didn't have the same level of fame as his. Recently he started to act weird, he randomly confessed to me and said he likes me. I mean, obviously that's weird," Zach chuckled a little. "And last night, he had asked me to meet him, so he took me to the astronomy tower, and we talked all night. It was wonderful experience and.. I actually felt myself warming up to him again. I ended up falling asleep and he carried me back to his room. He slept on the floor out of respect..." Zach listened closely and nodded at your words, taking in all the information you fed him. "But, this morning, I headed to breakfast, and a rumour got out that we slept together, which we did not! But... the problem is... he acted like we did. He didn't even try and say anything otherwise. It felt like last night was just an act...." you stopped speaking and looked down to the floor and picked at the grass. "Okay, can I offer you some advice?" Zach asked. You nodded. "This Draco guy, he sounds like an idiot, if I'm honest. I mean, he was constantly rude to you, and when you finally gave him a chance, he blew it. I say forget about him. Who needs a dick like that in their life, huh? Let's show him how happy you are without him!" He jumped up and held out his hand for you. You stood up and looked into his eyes before grabbing his hand, and he intertwined his fingers in yours. Side by side, you walked with this stranger back into Hogwarts.
"So, you're a hufflepuff?" You asked Zach, as the two of you roamed the corridors before class started. "Yep, got the tie to prove it" he smiled. "No wonder you're a hufflepuff, you're so kind. I mean, you didn't even know me, but you were so nice to me" you explained. He stopped walking and looked down at you. "I just did what anyone would've done... Anyways! What lesson do you have next?" He asked. You reached into your pocket for your timetable. "Ummmm, it says... herbology! YES, I love this class!" Zach reached into his pocket to check his timetable too, "oh wait.. I also have herbology! We're in the same class!!" The two of you squealed in excitement and walked towards that lesson.

As you arrived at the greenhouses, professor Sprout greeted you at the door. "Welcome class, to a brand new year of herbology! We also have a new student joining us today, Zach, please come up here and introduce yourself to the class" she demanded, with a smile. Zach looked at you, awkwardly smiling, before going up to the front. "Hi, I'm Zach, I'm in hufflepuff... like you can see. Umm I don't know, I was born in Pakistan? I'm a pureblood wizard..." he trailed off, not sure what to say. "Well that's good enough! You can join the rest Zach," she motioned for him to stand back next to you. "please make Zach feel comfortable in our humble school. And without further adieu, let's begin the lesson" The class headed inside of the greenhouses, as you walked in, you noticed a certain platinum blonde boy glaring at you from behind. If looks could kill...

The lesson progressed. Professor Sprout had asked you all to get into pairs, and since Zach only knew you, you had paired up with him. "Zach you're doing it wrong!" You exclaimed, as he splashed water everywhere. He sprayed the water around, completely missing the planet, and instead spraying you with it. "Oh, is this right?" He laughed as he sprayed more water onto you. "Shh, we might get in trouble" you whispered, and then burst out laughing. The two of you were having so much fun, but disregarded the task at hand. As you were laughing, you looked across the classroom to see if the teacher was looking at you. Instead, you caught Draco staring at you two again. You stopped laughing. What was his deal? "Cmon y/n we need to do the work!" Zach playfully pushed you, bringing you back to your senses.
After the days lessons, the students headed to the hall, to eat their dinner. You, instead, went to the common room. You didn't feel hungry so you thought you'd take a little alone time for a while before going to bed. You sat on a couch in front of the open fire. The warmth of it heated you all up, since it was more on the chilly side today. The sun had already set, and it was dark outside. The only light in the common room was from the dancing flames in front of you. Nobody else was in the room, as everyone was eating dinner, so you took this time to enjoy the sound of the crackling fire. You heard somebody enter and leave but you didn't look, as you wanted to keep the peace. Just as you closed your eyes, your eyelids getting heavy from the lack of sleep, and the situation that had took place only this morning, somebody spoke to you. "I didn't know you were such a whore y/n..." a deep, raspy voice from behind spoke. You quickly turned your head to see who it was. Draco. "Draco? How did you get in here??" You said, trying to disregard what he had called you. "One night, you're telling me everything about you, and sleeping in my room, and the next, you're all over some new guy... ha.. typical" He darkly chuckled to himself, unamused. "What I do is none of your business, you spread that rumour about me!" You almost yelled back. Anger was starting to bubble inside of you. How did he have the audacity to slut shame you for hanging out with a guy, when he spread a rumour about you sleeping with him! "Y/n," he paused, "I don't want anyone else to take you away from me. You're mine" With that sentence, you finally burst. "How am I YOURS? HUH? All you do is PUSH ME AWAY, and then when you feel like it, you come to mess with me! Am I just a joke to you?" You shouted. His face got darker. "I'm doing this because I like you. And I don't need any lame ass guy to come in and take you from me. Yeah, I saw you tell him all that shit about me, in the field" he spoke. You paused for a second and looked at him. "Wait.. how did you.."
"I came after you y/n. After you left the banquet hall, I felt bad, so I came after you, only to see you hugging some guy. And to think, I was going to apologise to you." You watched him say those words. So, he did care about you. In the end, he did come looking for you, whether he spread the rumours or not. "But... why would you spread those rumours about me then?" You whispered, unsure of anything. "Because y/n, I wanted everyone to think that I had gotten with the hottest girl in school. And with me being Draco Malfoy, everyone believed it" he explained, almost shouting. He sounded agitated. "Draco... that's not the way to do things. You really hurt my feelings. I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk to you right now. You've done enough for one day" you said, before walking away from him. He swiftly grabbed your arm, spun you around and pinned you against the wall. "Are you sure about that?" With that, he leaned in and kissed your lips.

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