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Tears welled in your eyes as you walked back to your dorm. Your wet feet pattered on the floor. You had such a great time there but it was ruined so quickly. Now you were walking alone back to your room with your bra in your hand. Who would've thought this was how it would end?

You entered your room and fell onto your bed. Your lip quivered before you finally burst into tears. Truth was, you were scared. He was shouting at you in a way you had never seen before. It was really scary to see him so angry. Sure, you shouldn't have mentioned it to him, it was a sensitive topic after all, but he did not have to do that. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and you sobbed quietly.


Draco leant down into the water and picked up his underwear, staring at it and thinking about what had just happened. He sighed and climbed out of the water, grabbing his clothes and dressing himself. The water dripped all over his clothes, making his shirt turn completely see-through, but that was the least of his problems. He took his things and stomped back to his room.

He stopped before the door, wondering wether he would find you in the room or not. He hesitantly grabbed the door handle before opening the door. He looked inside, and didn't see you there. He was glad. He didn't want to see you there, he was still seething with rage. The last thing he wanted was to argue again.

Angrily, he flopped onto the edge of his bed and huffed loudly. He grabbed his hair tightly and groaned. He knew he had messed up, he knew how terrible it was of him to do that, but how could he ever forget it if you kept bringing it up? Every time it's brought up, all he can think about is his mistakes. Y/n might be over it but he wasn't. He wasn't even sure if he could ever forgive himself for it. And now he had lashed out at you, which was just another thing to add to the list.

He quickly dried his body and hair, and lay in bed, hoping to forget about all of this in his sleep.


Draco suddenly opened his eyes to the sound of shouting and screaming. He ran down the stairs and entered the room where he had traced the noises to. He was in utter shock as he saw what was happening. You lay in pain on the ground as a monster attacked you. You screamed and kicked and cried, but the creature only got angrier. "Please ... PLEASE LET ME GO" you screeched, your voice piercing Draco's ears. But he just stood there, watching in horror. "STOP" you let out another scream. The monster gripped your hand and tightened it until you cried harder. Draco tried running to you, but his feet wouldn't move from the ground, as if they were glued to it.

He looked back up at you, in tears. "Draco please.." you winced. He shouted back, "I'm coming Y/n!"
"Draco please let me go"
Draco's eyes widened as he tried to make sense of the situation. Was he... the monster? Was he the one causing pain to you? "DRACO STOP" you screamed again as he pierced your skin with a sharp claw, drawing blood out. Soon, you became unresponsive. Draco, watching from the side, let out a chilling cry.

All of a sudden, his feet were no longer stuck to the ground, and he immediately ran over to your lifeless body on the ground as the monster scurried away. He tried to hold you, but as soon as he touched you, your body turned to dust.


Draco's eyes shot open and he immediately sat up straight in bed. His chest was heaving, and his breathing was staggered. "Oh my god" he choked. He had realised, it was only a dream. But why did it feel so real? Perhaps because everything that happened in it was the the exaggerated truth. It's true, Draco did feel like a monster who was constantly hurting you. All he did was bring negativity into your life. Did you ever even have any good moments with him? Or were you just pretending all along?

His mind raced and his thoughts took over. It seemed like he, once again, needed to distance himself from you.


You woke up and stared out the window. The snow, which once was beautiful and soft, was now a mushy, grey mess. It had turned to slush, and definitely was not pretty to look at. You stood up and walked over to your mirror. Maroon eye bags loomed under your eyes in the most prominent way possible. You groaned at the sight of your undead face.

Grabbing a cardigan, you tossed it over your night suit, not particularly caring for how you looked, and you walked out of your room. You headed towards the hall to get some food before you went to the library. Today, all you wanted to do was read a good book in your common room.

You entered the library and searched the shelves. History? No... Educational? No.... Fictional? You decided fiction was the only way you'd be able to escape your life right now, so you looked closely at the genres. Romance? You paused and thought for a second. A romance book was probably the last thing you needed. You walked towards the action and adventure books, and found one that looked good. You had always loved the idea of fictional universes, and books would always let you experience them.

You walked back to the Gryffindor common room and sat in front of the open fire. The rug on the ground was so soft, that you lay on it, with your book in hand. The warm flames crackled besides you as you immersed yourself into your book. Turning pages after pages, soon the book was finished. You stood up and stretched, then walked over to the window, only to realise it was already night. You had spent the whole day reading, and didn't even notice! That's how you know it was a good book.

As you prepared to leave, you remembered that it would be only a few days until the rest of the students returned to Hogwarts, and you would be free of this mess you created. However, deep down you were hoping that you and Draco could make up again soon, and be happy, just like you were before. But you weren't sure if Draco wanted the same thing.

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