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"Hey y/n" Draco called out, before you stepped foot into your lesson. "Yeah?" You asked, turning to face him. "Would you ever want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Your eyes widened in shock. You didn't expect him to ask that. Ever. "But.. how??" You asked. He smirked, realising you were considering going with him. "Don't worry about that. Leave it up to me. Don't you trust me from last time I took you somewhere? I'll make it work" he smiled. You looked into his grey eyes and smiled back. "Sure Draco, I'd love to go with you" He smirked at you and bit his lip in amusement.
You entered your room and ran to your friends in excitement and squealed, shaking their hands. "Guess what!!" Your friends watched as you smiled like a maniac and jumped up and down. "What!" Padma squealed back, sharing the same excitement. "Draco! Asked! Me! To! Go! To! Hogsmeade!" You practically shouted the last word. "HE DID WHAT?!" Your friends jumped up and down with you, shrieking at the top of your lungs. You were lucky it was just you guys in there. "Wait" Parvati stopped jumping for a second. "How are you gonna go? You aren't allowed to leave the school" the rest of you stopped jumping. "Well.. I don't know about that, but he said he knows how to do it. He told me to trust him" you grinned. Your friends gave you a sly smirk and you all sat down on your bed.

The three of you talked about what you would possibly do when you went to Hogsmeade with draco, and what you would wear. Then, Padma spoke, "you know.. recently Zach has been acting kinda weird..." she trailed off. You agreed. He had been acting off everytime the mention of draco was heard. "Does he not like Draco or something?" Parvati asked. "I think so.." you spoke. "Whenever I talk about Draco, he always starts giving me a lecture about him" you rolled your eyes. "It's kinda weird though isn't it?" Padma said, rolling to face the two of you. "How he always hates talking about Draco? I mean he's barely even known Draco for like a couple months and yet he hates him"
"Well it's not hard to hate Draco" you laughed.
"True. I just find it odd. Maybe he knows something we dont.." Padma trailed off. Parvati playfully shoved her arm at those words. "What would he possibly know? That Draco has an extra toe?" You all laughed.

"Or maybe... he's jealous!" Padma said, having a 'eureka' moment. You and Parvati looked at her with concerned looks. "... and why would he be jealous... of what??" You asked. "Of you! Of Draco, I mean. He's jealous that Draco gets to have you alllll to himself" she gave you a smug look. "Oh my god are you stupid stop. He has no reason to be jealous. He doesn't even like me like that anyways" you laughed it off. "Well... that isn't such a cray idea y/n.." Parvati began. You turned to look at her, you expected this from Padma but not from Parvati. "Zach always looks at you with those heart eyes, and he only started hating Draco after you started liking him... maybe he is jealous!" The twins high fives each other, proud of their realisation.

"Zach doesn't like me!" You threw a pillow at them, and shoved them off of your bed so that you can sleep on it on your own. They giggled and headed to their own beds. Although they were joking, you couldn't help but think, did Zach actually like you? It would be conceited to think that he does, but it wasn't impossible... You shook the thought away and tried to sleep it off.
All night, you twisted and turned, either in excitement for when you would go outside with Draco, or in agony when you thought about Zach. It plagued your mind how Zach seemed to hate Draco. You lay in bed, long after all of your friends had gotten up to go eat breakfast. You lay there and thought to yourself. When Draco betrayed you like that, Zach was there for you, he made you feel better. Why was he suddenly acting so weird now? Does he actually know something that you don't? Or does he have.... a crush on you.. Both seemed highly improbable to you, so you made yourself believe that it was because Draco was just a rude dickhead.

Finally, you got out of bed and put your clothes on. It was Saturday so you weren't in a rush. You threw on your sweater and skirt and left the room. As you walked down the steps, you saw Zach, so you called out to him. "Zach!" You shouted. No reply. He didn't even see you. "Zach!" Again, mo reply. Eventually, you caught up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Shocked, he looked down at you. "Oh my god y/n when did you get here" he said, eyes wide. "I was actually calling you.." you laughed. He looked embarrassed after realising he had accidentally ignored you. "Sorry.."
"Hey are you okay?" You asked him, stopping him from walking, and holding his hand. His hands were cold. You looked into his brown eyes. He avoided looking back at you. He looked almost disheveled, like he hadn't slept in days.

"I'm fine.." he replied, barely making eye contact. You turned his cheek with your hand gently. "Zach.. please tell me. I'm worried about you" you whispered. The space between you two was narrowed. He didn't reply. "Zach please" you begged. You now cupped his face with both of your hands. He finally looked you in the eyes. He wanted to say what he knew, but he knew he couldn't. He grabbed your hands, and removed them from his face. "Y/n, I'm fine." He said sternly. He stepped back from you, creating a gap between you two. You looked at him, before snapping.

"But you're not fine! You're not fine at all. You keep acting like you're fine but everyone can see that that's not true! For some reason, you had a problem with Draco that came out of nowhere and now it feels like you have a problem with me!" You shouted. You were angry, why wouldn't he just explain his feelings rather than hiding them from you? You stopped speaking for a moment, and then whispered, "do you hate me?.." He looked down at you with sadness in his eyes. "Y/n, baby, I could never hate you! Why would you think that?" He asked, tears welling in his eyes. "You barely talk to me anymore, and when you do, it's about how much you hate Draco... Where did all the fun go?" You asked, tears pouring out of your eyes. "Oh y/n..." he sighed in despair. "It isn't like that. I'm sorry that you think that. I don't hate you at all. I could never. I don't like Draco because-" he stopped himself from speaking.

"Because what" you asked, stifling your tears. You wanted to know why he hated Draco so much. You stared at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "Because..." He started. He couldn't tell you the truth. Not now. "Because I like you" he blurted out. You opened your mouth in shock. The two of you stared at each other for a moment. "What..." you asked, in disbelief. "Y/n, I like you, okay? I've had a crush on you since we first met. But it isn't a crush. I'm in love with you. I love everything you do. The little sketches you do in class when you are bored. How you scrunch your nose when you don't understand a question. Or how you jump a little before saying hello. My heart is telling me to be with you forever, but I know I can't. I can't stand to see you with that blonde excuse of a man. He's so stuck up, and annoying and rude. I can't see why you like him. But it's your decision, and I can't force you to like me. But I can never accept Draco. I never will. And I just want to grab you and kiss you and tell you how great I'd treat you if you were mine but I just can't" He finished. He hung his head low after speaking. Possibly in frustration. Technically, what he said wasn't a lie. It just wasn't what he should've told you. The tears stopped from your eyes.

You sighed. You didn't know what to say. Yes, you liked Zach, but as a friend. He was good looking and he was a great person but your heart belonged to Draco. Even if he is stuck up, annoying and rude. "Zach... I didn't know you felt this way about me" you sincerely said. "I know you didn't. And it was better that way. I didn't want to tell you this because now it'll ruin whatever we had left of our friendship"
"Zach no! I won't ever let our friendship be ruined over this. You're my best friend. You were there for me when I needed you the most and I can't ever repay you for that... Zach, please don't let this friendship go to waste. Please, let's try and fix this. No matter what it takes" you smiled at him. He didn't smile back, maybe because he couldn't. But he acknowledged what you were saying and agreed. "We good?" You asked. He let out a small laugh. "We good"

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