Prefects Bathroom

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The blonde boy held your hand tightly and ran with you, guiding you along with him. "Where are we going now! You're always taking me places" you laughed, trying to keep up with him. "I just like showing you to different places" he said back. He came to a halt and stopped infront of what looked like the prefects bathroom.

"Draco.. what are we doing here? I'm not allowed in there"
"So what? I'm allowed and no one else is here, no one will notice!" He pulled you to go in but you stopped again. "But what if we get caught?" You worried.
"I promise you that no one will care. It's just a bathroom and it's empty, why shouldn't we use it" he pulled you in once again and led you through the room.

You looked around and took off your shoes, hearing just the pattering of your feet on the marble floor, it felt cold, but nice. There was a warm feeling in the room, despite the fact that nobody had been in there for so long. You looked towards the middle of the room, at the large bathtub. Large, painted glass windows surrounded the room. The moonlight shone through the glass, creating faint rainbow shapes on the floor.

You sat at the edge of the bathtub. "Okay... now what?" You held your arms. Draco smiled and walked over to you. "What do you want to do?" He smirked. You shifted in your seat and stuttered at his powerful aura, "I - I don't know" you couldn't look in his eyes, he was making you feel too many things. "Do you.... want me to take this off?" He whispered, holding the edge of your dress. You looked up at him, and bit your lip. It's as if he could read your mind.

You nodded your head, and he looked at you for one more second, and then proceeded. He slowly took off your dress, then leant down on the floor. He held the brim of your tights, and pulled it down at a snails pace. You felt the desperation increase inside of you. Why did he always have to tease you? Eventually, he removed them from both of your feet and left it on the floor. You were left in just your undergarments.

You stood up and unbuttoned his shirt, going slowly just like he did. He smirked at you, understanding what you were doing. He unbuckled his belt for you, and quickly dropped his pants to the floor, speeding up the process. You pouted at him for not letting you tease him. He grabbed you by the waist and scooped you up, holding you in his arms. "Oh my god" you yelped as he held you. He walked down the steps, and into the bathtub, placing you inside of the water. The water was already warm and had a few bubbles on the edges.

You moved around in the tub before moving to the far end of it. Staring right at Draco, you removed your bra, exposing your chest to him. His expression changed and so did something in his eyes. You threw the bra to the side, hearing it plop on the floor. You swam around in the water, and he simply stood in shock. He watched as your body cascaded through the water, the watched the water roll off of your smooth skin. And, of course, he couldn't help but look at your chest. He licked his lips as you came closer to him.

"What? You act like you've never seen me like this before" you teased, slightly nudging him. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this view" he held you by your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, planting a small, wet kiss on your lips. He moved a few strands of wet hair from your face, before moving his hands from your shoulders, to your breasts. The hunger grew in his eyes as he played with them, he then moved his hands down your abdomen, touching your skin. His hands stopped at your underwear. He placed his thumb on the inside of the underwear, and moved his hands around the waistband, to your ass. He gently squeezed it, before removing your underwear. He threw those to the side too.

You were now completely open to him. The warm water on your skin was driving you crazy, you just needed him. Quickly, you reached for his underwear and let it drop the bottom of the bathtub, before smashing your lips to his. You grabbed his face with both hands and smushed your faces together. He placed his arms around your neck and let the kiss become more passionate. Now you were kissing with lust.

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