All Fun And Games

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Finally, you had left the hospital wing. The first thing you did was run with all your bags back to your dorm. It was early in the morning, so your friends must be getting ready for classes. You knocked on the door and waited for them to open it. "Who is it?" One of them shouted from the inside. "Guess" you said back. "Y/N!?" Padma shouted, opening the door and hugging you. "Y/n!??" Parvati shouted from the other side the room, abandoning the tie she was tying, running towards you. The two of them attacked you with hugs. "Oh my god it's so great to have you back! We missed you so much!"
"I missed you guys so much too" you laughed.
"Come in quickly, we gotta get you ready for class" Parvati said, rushing you in. You dropped all your bags to the side of your bed, knowing you can organise them later, when class was over.

You quickly dressed into your fresh uniform, and linked arms with your friends, as you walked down to the main hall. "Where's Zach?" You asked, looking around, hoping to spot him. "Ummm, oh there he is!" Padma pointed out, as soon as she saw him. It wasn't hard to locate him, he was usually taller than everyone there. The three of you scurried over to him, and he smiled at you in shock. "You're finally out!" He said, hugging you again. You melted in the hug, which may have lasted longer than any of the rest of your hugs. Padma and Parvati looked at each other and smiled. "Ahem.." Parvati cleared her throat. The two of you stopped hugging and pulled away from each other.

"Cmon, let's go eat!!" Padma shrieked, running towards the tables. The three of you sat down, and Zach sat in his respectful seat at the Hufflepuff table, opposite to you and your friends. "What are they serving today??" You asked with hunger in your eyes and desperation in your voice. "It's....." padma started. "Oh. It's egg....." the three of you slumped in your seats. "Oh well, let's just enjoy our first breakfast together after so long!" Parvati exclaimed, reaching for the bread. "It was only a few days" you laughed. "And yet it felt like forever" Parvati pouted.

After finishing your meals, the three of you got up and went to find Zach, so you could all walk to your lesson together. "Zach!" You jumped and put your arms around his neck, making him fall lower to you. "Oh god, hey" he said while you held him in almost a chokehold. The four of you walked over to your first lesson together. Potions.


Draco walked back into the hospital room, and walked towards his bed, when he noticed that you were gone already. He packed his bag to get ready to go too, when he noticed something you had left on your bed. He walked over to see the petals of the rose he gave you on the bed. 'She kept it? Wait so did she know it was mine?' He thought to himself. He muttered some words under his breath and pointed his wand at the petals. It was a spell, which would keep the petals alive, without rotting. He then took the petals and placed them gently inside of an envelope he had in his bag. Then, he too left the room.


Of course the first lesson you had would be potions with Snape. Well, it didn't matter. You were just happy to be back. You and your friends giggled through the corridors, your laughs echoing on the walls. You reached the classroom and waited outside.

Soon enough, your entire class was here but Snape wasn't. The class stood impatiently outside the classroom, getting more bored by the second. Where could he be and why did he leave you all outside? Professor Mcgonagall hurriedly ran towards you all and pushed the door open. "Everyone inside quickly!" She harshly whispered. Everyone was confused, nevertheless you all entered the classroom. "What's happening?" A student asked. "Nothing, I just don't want you loud children to be disturbing the other classes. Professor Snape could not make it today. It was very short notice so we could not arrange another class for you all, so for now, I want you all to behave and silently do the task I have set for you" she spoke. She flicked her wrist, with her wand in one hand, and chess boards came flying out of the cupboards and landed on the floor infront of your feet.

"Since I do not trust any of you can make a potion unsupervised, you will be playing a game of muggle chess. I don't want to hear any complaints. I will be in my office working if there is any trouble, okay?" She spoke. The class nodded in unison. "Now I'll put you into groups of four"
"Why four?" Another student asked.
"Because I said so. Is there a problem? I want you all to work in teams" she began sorting the students into groups and called out your name next. "Y/N and Neville, one group. Zach and Draco, you will play against them" her words shocked you. Padma looked at you and Zach and laughed. After professor finished sorting the groups out, she left the room.

Zach didn't want to cause trouble today, so he simply walked over to the chess board you were sat at and sat opposite to you. Draco and Neville sat besides you two. "Hey y/n!" Neville kindly greeted. "Hi!" You greeted back. The two of you started talking about strategies and going over the rules again, while Draco and Zach sat in silence.

"Okay, so we all know how to play right?" Neville asked, making sure everyone was on the same page. Everyone nodded, except Draco, who huffed "yes we do, now can we start playing already?" Neville just looked at him and started the game.

It was your turn to move a piece, and you were thinking about your next move. Neville came close to you and whispered something in your ear. Zach and Draco both watched you as you giggled while he was so close to you. You moved your piece and removed one of the opposite teams piece. "HA!" You shouted, proud of the move you made.

Now it was zach's turn. He thought about it for a moment and then moved a piece, to which you immediately leaned forward and took, since he had practically gave it away. "What the hell was that!" Draco asked zach. "Are you trying to make us lose?"
Zach looked at you and smiled. He gave it away on purpose because he wanted you to win, he didn't want Draco to have the satisfaction of winning.

When nevilles turn came, the game became harder, as there were less pieces on the board. So you turned to help him, and you pulled him close to whisper into his ear. While whispering, your eyes wandered to Draco's. He was already looking at you and your eyes met. You smirked and sat back in your place. Neville moved his piece and took the opposite teams queen. "WHAT" Draco shouted. Zach sat in shock. They'd just lost the game within five minutes. You and Neville sat laughing and gasping for air as the other two stayed silent. Neville high-fived you and you laughed. "That was just too easy" you said. Draco looked away in embarrassment and annoyance.

"Rematch?" Draco asked. You and Neville looked at eachother. "Sure" Neville said, knowing the two of you would beat them again.

Five games later, fives games that you two had won, Draco and Zach were finally giving up. "Just face it, you two aren't a good match" you said.
"Shut up" Zach leaned forward to shove you a little. You smiled at the sourness on their faces.

Neville turned to you. "Should we celebrate us winning?" He asked. "We should! After all, we do deserve it" you answered. "Okay, come to me at lunch time and we can hang out, I'll bring something special" Draco's fist tightened. "Deal!" You said brightly. Draco stood up immediately, making you all look up at him, and walked out. "What's wrong with him?" Neville asked.

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