Finally Free

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Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it in Zach's face. "EVERTE STATUM-"
"What the hell are you doing now!!" You shouted. Three of you and your friends stood at the doorway, after coming back from the bathroom. "I can't catch a break with you two" you said, in tears, as you dropped to the floor. "Why do you insist on doing this" you said through your sobs. "It's okay y/n" Parvati whispered, as she and her sister picked you up, and helped you over to your bed.

Zach was angry now, Draco had tried to use a spell on him. This was definitely foul play. He wanted to fight back. He wanted to throw a punch at Draco. He wanted to make his teeth fall out. He wanted to watch him bleed, and pay for what he was doing. But he couldn't. He saw how much it affected you, and he didn't want to be part of it. Zach walked closer to Draco, who had since dropped his wand, and grabbed him by his collar. "I'll deal with you some other day" he spat, before storming out of the room, to cool down, before he does anything bad to Draco.

You got under the covers on your bed and lay down, placing the blanket over your face. Padma and Parvati looked at eachother, knowing you wanted to be alone now, plus their break was almost over anyways. "Goodbye y/n" Padma said, patting you. "Bye" Parvati said, before they exited the room. Draco slowly watched them leave, and sat back down in his bed.

He heard a few sniffles from under your blanket and a deep feeling of sadness and regret came over him. No matter what he did, he couldn't stop hurting you. So he decided, if he couldn't stop hurting you by accident, he would do it on purpose. It was the only way for him and you to move on. If he just pretended he didn't like you. And he had been trying all this time to act like he didn't like you, but it didn't work. He had to do it more seriously this time. He had to take it even further.

He wanted to go up to you and hug you and tell you that he's sorry again, and console you while you cried into his arms. Instead, he spoke "I'm trying to sleep" in a forced voice. His harsh words startled you. You shot up in bed and you stared at him. "Did you just try to get me to stop crying?" You said, with anger. He sat up in bed too. "Yes. Yes I did. Now try and be quieter" Your mouth opened in shock, and your brows furrowed. You didn't even know how to respond to this. Wiping the tears from your face, you grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "OW! What the hell was that for?" He shouted. "Because you're being a dickhead!" You shouted back. Both of you sat at your beds glaring at eachother. "I hate you" you said, and crashed back into your bed. Draco, taken back, paused for a moment and said back "I hate you too!" Before he, too, crashed onto his bed. The two of you lay in bed, seething with anger.


Another day of passive aggressive behaviour passed and you were finally going to be free of this room, and him. You were finally allowed to leave the stupid hospital wing. You were sick of looking at it, you didn't even know why the nurses made it into such a big deal, you were totally fine and could've left days ago. Another thing you didn't understand was, why did Draco have to sit there too? He only injured his hand. Why was he being kept here?

You brushed it off and focused on packing your things. Your sketchbook had come in very handy in the past couple days, you had almost filled it up with completely crazy drawings. Draco wasn't in the room right now, since he had left for some reason. So you had the room to yourself, for now. He had been driving you crazy during his short stay. He had changed his behaviour towards you in a matter of seconds. "Whatever" you whispered to yourself, and continued picking up the mess you had made. The flowers had all rotted, so you had to throw them out. It was a shame, since they were all so beautiful.

You folded the blanket and you placed it neatly on the bed. Fluffing the pillow for the last time, you checked the area to see if you had forgotten anything. You opened the bedside table drawer, only to see the black rose you had hidden in there. Only, it's petals had all came off the stem. The rose had lasted longer than the rest of the flowers. Scooping the petals with your hands, you picked them up and placed them on your bed, scattering them slightly. With one last look, you said goodbye to madam Pomfrey, who had so kindly helped you all this time, and left the room.

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