Love Like This

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Over all the commotion of all the different students in the store, you heard that. Just like that, you froze in your place, and your senses heightened as you thought about him. Him seeing you here with Zach, him hearing all the things these people were saying to you. What if he doesn't realise it's a joke? What if he thinks it's real?

Your head immediately turned to look towards the door, trying to locate the blonde, definitely against your will. Though you had tried not to, you just couldn't pretend like you didn't still care for him. What you two had was completely unique, it was something special. As you finally spotted him, you snapped your head back, hoping he didn't see you looking. In fact, he didn't even care about the commotion happening near you. He simply walked straight over to the men's section, with his minions by his side.

He eyed a full black suit, with a black shirt too. The lapel had golden edges, it looked quite elegant. He stood before it, imagining what he would look in it, probably handsome, to say the least. If he was going to go to this Moon Ball, he needed to look the part. But this suit just wasn't enough. It wasn't what he was looking for. He turns away from the suit and looks at the worker on the side.
"Is it possible to have this suit customised?"
"Of course, you may request any design and our talented designers will have it done for you" the employee replied in a cheerful, yet careful voice.
"Okay, I'll take it. Thank you"

Honestly, you were a little surprised at the tone of his voice. It was polite. Something you hadn't seen him be very often. You looked away and walked towards the rack of dresses you had previously picked up yours from. Behind you, Draco walked towards the counter, passing by you. The light scent of apples filled the air around you, and you remembered the night you spent with him. You froze once again, reminiscing the great times you had with him. Or the intimate ones. You were once so close, and you went back to being strangers in just one night. He swiftly paid for his suit and exited the building. A few of his fan girls cooed over just the sight of him, it made you feel sick.

Everything reminded you of him. You couldn't escape him even if you wanted to. But you didn't want to. You secretly liked seeing him around, as jarring as it could be, because at least you had an excuse to see him. You just wished for things to go back to how they were.


Back at your dorm, you and your friends tried on your dresses, and tested out some makeup and hairstyles you would do on the big day. Some other girls were also there, all trying on their outfits and showing it off to one another. It was great fun to see what beautiful gowns the others had picked. Most chose dresses with the same colours as their houses, but you didn't mind. You wore your house colours all year round, this was the one time you got to wear something else. Besides, you wanted to use this chance to completely show off your beauty. You wanted to feel like a princess.

But recently you hadn't felt like one, more like the opposite. You had been anxious for the upcoming ball, millions of thoughts piled up in your head as the day came closer. And, of course, many of those involved the likes of Draco. You just couldn't stop thinking about him. Would he show up with his own date? Would he come alone? How would he react to seeing you? Would he even care?

"Me and Lei are going to match" Parvati smiled and blushed just at the thought of it. You pulled yourself out of your thoughts to support your friends. "That is so cute!" You spoke back. "It's a little cringe.." Padma said, before laughing to show she was joking. "You just haven't found the right person to go with Padma" Parvati reassured her sister.

"Soo.. you and Zach huh" another girl chimed in. "Yeah haha we're going together, but just as friends" you replied.
"So you aren't dating him?" She questioned.
"Nope, he's all yours if you want him," you laughed. "I just thought it would be fun to go together"
"He's so gorgeous, how are you not totally in love with him?" The girl spoke with desperation.
"With Zach? Nooo I couldn't. He's a great boy... and granted.. I did like him for a short while, but I .." you paused, thinking about the real reason you can't like anyone else. "I just think he's a better friend and don't wanna ruin that friendship" you smiled.


You lay in bed, unable to sleep, and stared at the ceiling. You had placed some magical glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, trying to create makeshift stars. Looking at the night sky made you feel at home, so you tried to recreate that feeling here at your bed. It wasn't the same, but it was good enough. But now, even these stars would remind you of him. When he took you on that amazing date, under the stars. You really knew you were in love with him then. Hopefully he thought the same. Maybe he didn't love you anymore, but he definitely had loved you before, there was no doubt about it.

As your thoughts consumed you again, you thought about Zach. Why couldn't you like him? After all, you were both a perfect match. You were already so close to him, and felt so comfortable with him as if he was already your boyfriend. Why, of all people, did you have to be stuck with this blonde waste of space. All he did was bring you strife.

But that's not true. He brought you inexplicable feelings, feelings that no one else could give you. He made you happy, just by looking at him. He made you feel safe in his arms, he gave you warmth, he gave you comfort. But the most important thing he gave you was love. He allowed you to feel such a strong and powerful emotion, it made you feel queasy and excited and electrified all at the same time. You couldn't describe it in words, but you knew how it felt, how it felt to love and be loved.

But all of that was gone now, and you had to learn to move on. You probably would feel these same emotions again for someone else, right? Love can't just be limited to one person.. right?
With your thoughts overflowing, you began worrying that perhaps love only comes once. What if Draco was your one and only love? Would you never feel love again, if not with him?

If you were to feel love for anyone but him, you'd rather not feel love at all.

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