Stars And Secrets

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After running at top speeds, the two of you slow down and halt at a corner, grabbing your knees and panting. "Why.. why did we stop here" you asked, with gasps for breath in between. "I'm gonna take you somewhere but I need you to close your eyes" You raises your eyebrow at him. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?" He exhaled and grabbed your hand, "come on y/n, just trust me. I need you to trust me" Looking into his grey eyes, you detected sincerity. "Fine," you puffed "But you better not take me into an alley and murder me or something" He laughed and beamed at you agreeing to his proposal. "Promise," He said, "now close your eyes, I'll guide you" You did as he asked and he grabbed you by the hand and started walking slowly, making sure that you didn't bump into anything. All you could feel was the cold, crisp air hitting your face as you walked blindly behind this boy. You left him in charge of your vision. You walked slowly and realised there were steps in front of you. Actually, there were a lot of steps. After walking for a while, he stopped, and you walked into his back. "We're here"

You opened your eyes only to see the beautiful astronomy tower in front of you, and a handsome silver haired boy who had brought you there. Your eyes widened in amazement. The astronomy tower itself was beautiful, but the view.. the stars in the sky were much more beautiful. You'd always been fascinated by space and the stars above you, they always held a mysterious allure that you could never really understand. You had chosen the astronomy class this year for a reason... but you'd never seen the astronomy tower before. "It's.. it's so beautiful.." you slowly whispered to yourself as you stared at the open sky above you. You looked back at Draco, to see him fondly smiling at you, you gave him the biggest smile back. "I love this place!!" You shouted, and jumped in the air, then got down to lay on the floor. Draco got down and lay beside you, as you both lay there and watched the sky. A few moments of silence passed. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was a calm and peaceful silence. You felt safe here. You felt him lean up on his arm and face towards you. The stars danced in the sky, but he was watching them dance in the reflection of your eyes. He continued staring at you, while you watched the sky.

Eventually, you broke the silence. "Why are you looking at me like that" you giggled as your cheeks turned red, forcing you to look away from him. "Nothing" he whispered, almost inaudibly, and smiled to himself. "So, I wanted to ask you... why are you so suddenly interested in me?" You asked abruptly. "..interested in you..?" He replied, teasing you.
"You know what I mean!"
"Well, I don't know.. I guess I just felt bad. Every time I look at you, I feel horrible for completely ignoring you for all those years. It was so childish" you looked at him, shocked. Did he just almost apologise? "Okay.. what about the um.. the .. confession .. from before" you said awkwardly. You didn't want to ask this to his face but you wanted to know. His face turned bright red as he looked away from you. "Oh.. that. I mean, you must have known that I had a crush on you all this time, right?" You looked at him with a blank face. "You didn't know?! All this time and you never even had a single clue about the fact that I have a massive crush on you??" He almost shouted. Embarrassed, you closed your eyes tightly. How could you never pick up any signs? A short silence passed between the two of you again, but this time it was uncomfortable. "Did you... did you ever maybe like me.. back?" He asked meekly, and genuinely. You looked up into his eyes. They were shining like the stars above you. "Draco I-" he cut you off by saying "it's okay. You don't have to answer that. I was just curious. Anyways what's your favourite constellation?" A smile creeped back onto your face. "Actually, I don't really know any" He looked at you with shock on his face. "You don't know any constellations, what are you, five years old?!" He says while playfully flicking your head. "Hey!" you laughed back. "Well, since I am named after a constellation, I know a lot about stars."
"You were named after a constellation?" You asked.
"Don't you know anything. My entire family is named after constellations. My mother really liked the Draco constellation, so she named me after it. How could you not know that when we've known each other for so long" you studied his face and he looked slightly hurt. "I'm sorry.. I just thought you guys had really cool names, that's all," you tried to diffuse the situation by quickly changing the subject. "Well, actually I do know one constellation. I don't know much about it but the name is 'Andromeda'. I just think it's a beautiful name for a constellation. His gaze softened as he watched you say those words. "Andromeda. It is a nice name. Maybe you'll get to use it one day..." he spoke, going quieter towards the end of the sentence.
"What do you mean? 'Use it one day'?" You asked.
"Well.. i mean, if you ever wanted to have a child one day, you could name them Andromeda..." he explained. A child... that's something you hadn't really thought about yet. Naming a child andromeda is perfect, what a pretty name. "I don't even know what it means though" you added.
"Andromeda is the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus, the king and queen. I can be Cepheus and you can be Cassiopeia" he laughed and looked over to you. You laughed back. Is he trying to hint at something again? "Maybe we can..." you whispered quietly to yourself.

After talking for hours, your eyes started to feel heavy as you and Draco leant up against the wall, watching the night stir. Slowly, you rested your head on his shoulder. "You know, I've never been to the astronomy tower before. But I'm glad you were the one who brought me here..." you closed your eyes softly. Draco looked down at you with a soft gaze, and smiled to himself. "I'm glad I could bring you here too" he leaned forward and kissed your forehead, so softly that it was barely touching your head. "Draco..." you muttered. "Yes Y/N?" He answered. "I'm sleepy..." you groggily replied. You were too tired and barely understood where you were. "Let's get you back then" he smiled and stood up. It was obvious that you wouldn't be able to get yourself back on your own, so he picked you up and carried you on his back. He began walking as you practically fell asleep on him. Your hands dangled in front of his face as he walked. After a long walk, draco stopped, and started speaking.

"How do you open this?! Um, GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROom open" he began shouting, and then whispered as he remembered you were sleeping, and he didn't want to wake you. Despite his efforts, the door remained shut. The Fat Lady spoke to him, "the door doesn't open like that, Slytherin boy. You need the password". Anger pooled over his face. "Slytherin boy!? I am Draco Malfoy, not just some boy. Disrespect me like that again and I'll have my father hear about it." He whisper shouted, still keeping in mind that you were sleeping. "Fine. Good luck getting in the common room without the password then!" She spoke back, with a smile. Draco scowled and stormed off into a corridor and placed you down against a wall. He thought about where he could take you so that you can sleep peacefully. An idea popped into his head and he picked you up once again, and began climbing some stairs.

Soon enough, you were laying down, Sound asleep.

[this took SO LONG FOR ME TO WRITE WHAT. And this is the longest chapter I've ever written😭 I hope it's good though😌 I tried to make it cute. But where will y/n wake up?👁👁]

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