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You ignored his presence. Grabbing your sketch book again, you started sketching some of the flowers that your friends left for you. They were really pretty and you had nothing else to do. Plus, you'd do anything to avoid the awkward air in the room. Draco sat up in his bed, directly opposite you, avoiding eye contact with you, but would glance at you every once in a while.

After a long moment of silence, you felt horrible and almost thought about speaking to him. Maybe it would make this less boring, and maybe you would get an explanation out of him. But you didn't feel like talking about that ever again. Atleast, not for now. You needed time to heal.

Looking up, he noticed something. "You kept it?" He said quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. Your head stayed in the same place but your eyes looked to the side. The rose. You hadn't put it away when he came in and it was beside you on the bed. How were you going to explain this? You screamed mentally. Why did he have to talk to you? Now you had two choices, either ignore him, or talk to him.

Eventually, you looked up, and saw him looking at the rose softly. "I did. But why do you care" you asked, you tried to pretend like you didn't know it was from him. Technically, it wasn't acting. You really didn't know if he sent it to you, you only assumed so. He fiddled with his blanket, and looked down, avoiding your eyes. "Because... I sent it" he said hesitantly. So now you knew for sure. It was him.

Still, you acted coy. "Oh... I didn't know it was from you. I just thought it was pretty...." you answered. He looked more sullen than ever, but tried not to show it. "Oh" he said, in a small whisper. He couldn't help but think about what you would have done if you knew it was his rose. Would you have thrown it away? Or would you have still kept it.

The heavy silence fell again. But why should you feel awkward, it wasn't your fault you were in this situation. Every second of this is his fault. He willingly chose to do this 'prank', it was time for him to face his consequences. The only sound in the air was of your pencil sketching against the paper. You stopped for a moment and looked back at your old drawings. Flicking through the pages, you saw drawings you did of your friends, padma and parvati, a girl called jasmine, cho, and Zach. You smiled at the sight of their faces, you missed them so much. You turned the pages more, and looked up to the ticking clock to see it was almost lunch time, meaning your friends would be coming to see you soon. You looked down again, and noticed what page you stopped on.

The drawings you made of Draco while you were in class.

You flipped past the pages quickly, but couldn't help but think back to that moment. No matter what people say, it can be fun to have a crush. It gives you a reason to dress up extra cute in the morning, and it gives you another reason to show up to class. It's the rush of having a crush that makes it so enjoyable. But what you two had was not a simple crush.

You shook off the thought, reminding yourself that there was no 'crush'. It was all fake.

Another 10 minutes of silence passed, and your friends came running through the doors. "Y/NNNN" Padma sang. Parvati squealed and ran towards you. Zach followed from behind and smiled at you. "Hey guys!" You squealed back. The energy stopped as they came further into the room. Your friends stopped in their tracks, as they saw Draco sat opposite you. The awkwardness was very apparent and was very loud.

"Um.... not to be rude or anything-"
"What the hell are you doing here" Zach cut off Padma. Draco looked up and saw Zach stood at the end of his bed. Draco simply held up his hand, and showed him his bandages. Zach examined it with his eyes, and turned to face you again. "How are you doing now? Do you feel better?" Zach asked. You smiled at him, when he's worried, he makes the cutest face, his eyes open wide, and his mouth curves downwards. "I'm fine, I don't know why madam pomfrey insists on keeping me here. I feel way better" you explained. "Maybe you can't tell if you feel ill or not, she probably knows best since she checked you up" Parvati explained. You nodded in agreement.

Padma turned to see Draco again. "What did you do?" She asked, referring to his hand. "Nothing. I just hit it by accident" he answered coldly. "Okay.. damn" padma said, turning back. "I was only asking" The blood inside of Zach boiled, the way Draco spoke to her was so rude, but he held it in. With him, He either hated Draco, or he tolerated him just for your sake. But Draco was testing his patience now.

"So that would explain the broken mirror in the boys bathroom" Zach said, to no one in particular, but to everyone in the room at the same time. All of you looked up at him. "What?" You asked. Draco glared at Zach. "What happened?" Padma asked. "Snape found a broken mirror in the bathroom, with smeared blood on the floor. I think he has a good idea on who it is. And, unless Draco here is telling the truth, I think I do too"  with Zachs words, draco stood up and got out of bed. "What the hell is your problem this time" Draco shouted in zachs face. Zach smiled. "Nothing. What's yours?" Draco looked to the side and saw your horrified face. You thought they were going to fight again. You couldn't bear to see this again. Draco scoffed and went back to his bed. "That's what I thought" Zach whispered under his breath. "That's enough! Both of you, stop" Padma shouted. "The two of you act like children" Parvati added in.

Zach huffed and sat down on a chair on the side, and padma and Parvati sat down on your bed with you. "Oh wait, one of you come with me. I'm gonna go to the bathroom" you asked. The two of them got up together, "I'll come too, I need to go" padma said. The three of you got up and left quickly.

Zach sat in his chair, and leaned his head back in frustration. Draco lay down to sleep, since he had nothing else better to do. Zach looked over, seeing him able to sleep so easily angered him. "Dickhead" he said quietly. Draco heard immediately and shot up in bed. "What the hell are you saying now huh? Say it louder so I can hear you" Draco threatened. "Why? What are you gonna do? Hit me? Not with that bloodied hand, you won't" Zach taunted. "Oh yeah? Unlike you, I don't rely on my hands to do the work" he said, pulling his wand out of his pocket.

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