Chapter 45.

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I shift on the bed, trying to sit up and do something, because I don't like the effect, that the silence seems to have on us. After what I said, Aiden hasn't been able to respond.

He knows that what I said, is the truth.

As I move, he is there to help me until I sit up, now being in eye level with him.

" I'm a ----------"

" It was self defense." He cuts me off.

" He might have done the worst kind of things to us, but, it doesn't change the fact that I killed him. I killed someone's son."

" It was self defence, Chloe! - He was ready to kill you, he'd been trying to do this for a long time and at the last moment....." He cuts himself short, rising to his feet and turning his back on me.

I watch him run his fingers through his hair, releasing a sigh. " At the last moment, you put an end to it all. "

My eyes drop to my lap when he turns around to face me. " You're a survivor, Chloe, that's why you are still here, breathing and with us. You did what you had to do to survive."

I sigh, looking up at him again.

" Aiden ----------"

" Talk to Owen."

" W-what?" I ask in surprise, because he just changed the subject so quick.

He walks over to me and sits back down, next to me. He takes my hands in his and demands with his eyes, that I look at him.

" Talk to your father."

" Aiden -----------" I try to pull my hands away, but he tightens his grip.

" Chloe, you're the most stubborn person I know, I practically raised you, and I know that right now, you are scared more than anything.

You have just learnt of a hidden truth, and both me and Owen, hate how we have hurt you by keeping this from you.

We don't expect you to forgive us now, it might take a long time for that to happen, but please little sister, hear him out. That man out there, loves you so much. He loves you more than his own life, you are the one thing, he holds most dear to his heart.

Chloe, we've practically lived a shitty life and we've always been on the run. And a part of me, though I knew that running was for our safety, but another part of me hates it so much,  that this life has consumed your every part, and, you can't help but run from almost anything.

Running has been instilled in you so much, that you don't see any other way but to run. Let me tell you something now, as your brother, and the one who loves you most, Chloe, it's time to stop running." 

My eyes grow wide. His words cause my heart to race and my chest to tighten. I begin shaking my head no, but he's quick to touch my face between his hands.

" Hey, hey, listen to me right now, the time of running is over. It's over."

" But ----------"

" We don't have to run anymore, our lives are here now. We deserve this, this peace. We deserve the happiness, you deserve a rewritten story in your life, Chloe.

And it starts with you, opening up the door to Owen and hearing him for the first time, not as the family friend, but as your father."

I stare at him, not knowing what to say right now.

He pulls back and takes my hands again.

" Sunshine, you never have to go through all those nightmares, of being connected to Luis anymore. There is no connection between you two, and you know why? - because you're connected to Owen."

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