Chapter 3.

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When I first moved to this town, my initial thought was, okay, it's another small town to lay low till we move again, but how wrong was I?

Months have passed and I'm starting to loosen up, on the high walls around me. It's hard to even think of making a life for myself, when being on the constant run. My brother and I have even become good at it, it's scary.

But what does one do when it's a matter of life and death?

We practically raised ourselves, and we always looked out for each other, we've ran and survived. Now here we are, trying to make something of our lives. We've longed for a sense of normal in our lives, without the constant looking over our shoulders, to walk freely and never have to worry about anything, more than everyday issues.

It's sad really, but it is what it is.

I snap out of my thoughts when Callie plops down next to me.

" Am hating my life right now." She groans.

I don't say anything.

" Am so hating my life right now." She repeats, when she notices that I don't say anything

" Nope, you're just hating on that hangover you should have been nursing yesterday." I say, not even glancing up from my book.

" I know, but I couldn't disappoint Amber, she needed a buddy."

" You mean a drinking buddy?" I arch my brow, looking at her.

" She just broke up with her boyfriend this weekend."

" Which one?"

" Jake, you know, the soccer team captain." She says it like I know these people.

" Right." I trail off, like I understand.

" Well they had a nasty fight and bam, he breaks up with her, now because she was lonely and she needed someone ----------- "

" You."

" Yes me, so I offered a shoulder to cry on and yep, she brought a bottle of vodka and we drank our sorrows away."

" Must have been fun." I comment dryly, but she doesn't get the hint, continuing on about the rest of her weekend.

I try listening to her till I can't, totally drowning her out, not really interested in their weekend activities consisting of a party, making out with a total stranger, drinking and such.

The two are inseparable in that area.

You see, when Callie moved here in Rivermead town, she found a friend in Amber, only later on, for the same Amber to abandon her as she found foot within the popular crowd. Callie was then a loner for some time until I moved here.

I had no plans of making friends, for I was still on high alert about my surroundings, living in a suitcase, and prepared for the timer to go off on us, urging us to leave. We bumped into each other once here in school, only to discover that we were neighbours and from there, she started bugging me, hanging around me, till I had enough and I just accepted that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

As time passed, she tried out for the cheer squad and I guess that's where she and Amber reunited, and now they are like thick as thieves when it comes to all weekend activities, ones I never bother to be part of.

It's just not me.

I don't really have a problem with Amber, a beautiful girl she is, but her actions when in the mix with her squad, is one to frown upon. Now, in Callie's case, she's vulnerable and a people and Amber pleaser, she can't resist the temptation of tagging along.

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