Chapter 10.

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Waiting, that's what I've been doing here in the hospital's waiting room.

I'm waiting for Wesley to come back and tell me what's going on, that everything is okay with his mom. I hope everything is okay.

After I told Welsey about the importance of Jack's call, he rushed to call someone, that someone being a man named Bob. I didn't know what the relationship was there, but they seemed to know each other pretty well. Bob then told Wesley that he'd call someone to come pick up his truck, and he didn't have anything to worry about, except his mom.

The minute we had been dropped off , we burst through the doors and I let him go off to be with his mom, well, right after he borrowed me his warm hoodie. So I've been waiting for a little over 15 minutes, without a word from Wesley.

In my wait, I even got the time to call my brother, who at first didn't give me a chance to speak, yelling over the phone until Owen snatched it away from him, and being the calm one, spoke to me and heard what I had to say.

When I mentioned the hospital, I could hear Aiden freaking out in the background, he was surely going to get grey hairs if he didn't calm down.

Anyway, I explained that someone needed me here with them and like he understood, Owen simply told me that they'd be here within 10 minutes.

I am both thankful and a little anxious about their reaction, once they learn that someone is my classmate, who so happens to be a guy. It surely isn't going to go down pretty well, because both men are pretty protective and anything male in the sentence, has resulted to long lectures and interrogations.

I swear one time, we'd all gone out and I decided to check out a nearby thrift shop, one guy came up to me and we started chatting. It was harmless chatting since he needed advice on what to buy his girlfriend, for their anniversary.

Apparently my brother had been looking for me and when he found me, talking to that guy, well more like the guy helping me with a little situation, concerning something hanging on to my dress. Aiden misinterpreted everything, believing that the guy was feeling me up when it was not the case.

He nearly punched the guy and I had to step in between the two guys, shielding the poor guy from my brother, who literally overreacted over small things.

I've never been so embarrassed, since we got kicked out of the shop.

Right after, I'd given Aiden the silent treatment for the rest of the day, until Owen stepped in and got us talking again. So Aiden can pretty much overreact, I just hope he won't do anything drastic, that might get us kicked out of the hospital.

" Chloe!"

I rise to my feet, seeing my family.

Aiden is the first one to reach me, pulling me in for a hug before leaning back, a frown is set on his face as he takes my current state.

" You better start explaining little girl." Aiden says in a no nonsense tone.

" After school, I got a lift from a fellow classmate, unfortunately his car broke down in the middle of the road -------"

" When did you start taking lifts from strangers, huh?" He asks, crossing his arms.

" Since it started raining and my brother wouldn't have really answered, since he was busy with a certain red haired called Ingrid, who he failed to mention to me!" I snap.

Glares are thrown at each other and I'm pretty upset about him, hiding the fact that he's seeing someone. I thought he trusts me and knows me better enough to know that I'd be more relieved than anything, to see him being more social and focused on his life, then depriving himself with his constant worry over me.

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