Reptilian humanoids

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Reptilian humanoids 

Trust me; this is the weirdest conspiracy theory ever.

The heart of the reptilian conspiracy idea is that there are, today, reptilian humanoids living among us who have infiltrated human society for nefarious purposes. Most conspiracy theorists say that the reptilians can shape-shift between human and reptilian. According to the conspiracy theory, there are certain bloodlines descended from reptilians which continue to be in positions of power, allowing reptilians to subjugate us to their will. Most world leaders are said to be reptilians.

Who propounded this ridiculous theory?

The big proponents of the reptilian conspiracy are John Rhodes and the popular "conspiracy researcher" David Icke (former BBC sports reporter who became the poster human for the theory in 1998 after publishing his first book, The Biggest Secret)


In both the Rhodes and Icke formulation of the reptilian history, at some point in the distant past, reptilians openly walked among humans and ruled them as gods, using their superior "spiritual powers" and technology. The reptilians bred humans for some nefarious purpose - presumably forced laborers, and used them to work in the fields. This time of coexistence is said to have been the reason for the similarities in many world religions.

There is a document by John Rhodes called "The Reptilian-Human Connection" which details some of this back story wherein he purports that the Sumerian gods were genetically engineering humans for their purposes and that one "fallen god" named Ea engineered us to understand what was going on allowing us to break free from the rule of the reptilians. This Sumerian connection seems widespread in the reptilian conspiracy, as the reptilians are often called the "Annunaki", who were Babylonian deities.

David Icke also has a documentary called The Reptilian Agenda, in which he interviews a Zulu shaman named Credo Mutwa about his beliefs about the reptilians - which he calls the Chitauri. Mutwa purports that these reptilian gods are part of Zulu mythology, and goes into detail about how belief in ruling reptiles has been a part of the secret history of the Zulu since ancient times. It is not clear to me if this is in line with mainstream Zulu beliefs or not.

Icke and Rhodes differ on their conceptions of the origins of the reptilians. Icke believes that the Reptilians originate from another star system known as Alpha Draconis, while Rhodes believes that Reptilians evolved from dinosaurs on Earth before humans came around, and so their home planet is Earth. Both men believe that the reptilians can use interstellar flight and currently live in an underground network of caves on Earth as well as off-world and in "alternate vibrational states of reality".

Reptoids are said to serve at least one very useful purpose: They are sworn enemies of the gray aliens, and may well serve to be humanity's last line of defense against this threat. Among the gray aliens' holdings provided them by the US government is a large underground base at Dulce, New Mexico. Some 18,000 grays are said to reside on level 5 of the base, and they perform terrible genetic experiments on humans on levels 6 and 7. Reptilian beings have been caught trying to acquire information about the Dulce base.


The evidence for a reptilian conspiracy is, at best, largely based on anecdotes and pattern-seeking in "ancient texts". As such, it would be interesting to know from whence the belief originated.

Unfortunately, there is not a very clear line about where the conspiracy originated. The earliest reference is to a 1934 Los Angeles Times article "Lizard People Catacomb City", followed by a burst of activity in the late-80s/early-90s which seems to be initiated by conspiracies about the New Mexico Dulce base.

Brian Dunning analyzes these claims in his Skeptoid episode on the subject. The article describes a geophysicist named G. Warren Shufelt, who heard about an Indian "Legend of the Lizard People", in which advanced Lizard People dug a series of catacombs under Los Angeles using advanced chemical technology.

Dulce Base is a "secret" underground base in New Mexico, allegedly created under the cover of underground nuclear testing. It is laid out as large central caverns with hallways branching out, resembling a "Hopi Kiva". In Dulce base, Reptilians and greys run horrifying genetic experiments on humans for nefarious purposes.

Who all are included?

Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bob Hope, Obama are all said to be a part of this.

Encroaching on other conspiracy theorists' territory, Icke even claims that the lizards are behind secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Since earning the dubious title of "paranoid of the decade" in the late 1990s, Icke has written several books on the topic, including his latest work, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy, while operating his own website — complete with merchandise and advertisements.

A publicity gimmick or tru…..Okay! Please, I can’t even claim this to be true. It is the most ridiculous theory ever.

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