Silly Ohio Laws

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Silly Ohio Laws

Law, as defined by the Black’s Law Dictionary, is “That which is laid down, ordained, or established. It is a rule or method according to which phenomena or actions co-exist or follow each other.

Some laws are just formulated to make us laugh.

Ohio Laws-

1. In Paulding, a police man may bite a dog to quiet him.

Okay, this might work if the police officer could actually catch the dog.

2. In Todelo, throwing snakes at people is illegal.

Is throwing snakes at people legal everywhere else?

3. In North Canton, you can't roller skate without notifying the police first.

Maybe they want to join in.

4. In Cincinnati, anal s*x is banned.

How do they even know if couples are engaged in one.

5. In Youngstown, you may not run out of gas.

This one is definitely a proclamation.

6. In all of Ohio, participating in a duel is banned.

Sorry, Harry Potter. You are not welcome in Ohio.

7. In all of Ohio, no one may be arrested on Sunday or the Fourth of July.

This is very good information to know.

8. In all of Ohio, it is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday.

But why is it okay every other day of the week? Do the whales in Lake Erie really hate it when you bother them on their day of rest?

9. In Bexley, the installation and usage of slot machines in outhouses is prohibited.

I've never thought of playing slot machines while using the bathroom, but I just might try it now. That's if the police aren't peeking through my window. And yes, I need to be in Ohio for that.

10. In Canton, if you lose your pet tiger, you must notify authorities within an hour.

This one is awesome. Where can I buy a pet tiger?

11. In Clinton County, Any person who leans against a public building will be subject to fines.

It is suspected that the “leaner” may topple the building and cause someone to get hurt.

12. In Centerville, Cars are not allowed to scare horses.

You better tell your car that.

13.In  Strongsville, Catch 22 is banned.

 Considered "dangerous" because of objectionable language; those law makers haven’t read our teen fiction books.

14. Ironton, Cross-dressing is against the law.

Yep! So, guys no wearing thong in public. Please, adhere to the rules.

15. Youngstown, In the late 1960s, it was illegal to walk barefoot through town.

They only crawled.

16. Marysville, It is illegal for a dog to urinate on a parking meter.

Mind your doggy please.

17. It is illegal for more than five women to live in a house.

Oh my god! What are they hinting at….

18. It is illegal to get a fish drunk.

Well, this then just takes all the fun out of fishing. *sighs*

19. In Cleveland, it is illegal for women to wear patent leather shoes.

It is to protect the women. That is because doing so would allow men to see reflections of their inner garments.

20. It is illegal to ignore a speaker on Decoration Day to the extent that you pitch horseshoes or play croquet within a mile of the speaker's stand. If you do so, you may be fined $25.

Please remember this.

21. If you are in a car, you will slow down and stop when signaled to do so when you meet or overtake a horse-driven vehicle, or person on horseback. You must remain stationary until that person or vehicle has passed.

Yep. Cars spook those cute, huge horses.

22. Cleveland, It’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license!

Hey! What if the mice are trespassing my property.

23. You cannot eat a doughnut and walk backwards on a city street.

Geez! Now I won't get any exercise.

24. A police office can write you a ticket for leaving your keys in your car. But relax he will leave you a note when you can come get your keys back so long as you can prove it's your car and your keys.

Thank God. So, I just need to carry my car’s insurance papers with me everywhere.

25. Bay Village, It is illegal to walk a cow down Lake Road.

Walk them anywhere else you want.

26. Canton, It is a misdemeanor to play any game in a public park without the Superintendent's permission.

Do send your two year old to get a valid permission.

27. Fairview Park ,Items left on a tree lawn become city property.

A young man was fined for removing an item from a tree lawn even though he had the owner's permission.

28. Fairview Park, It's against the law to honk your horn "excessively".

A grandmother was fined for honking her horn twice at her neighbour.

29. McDonald, Your goose may not paraded down Main Street.

Another important proclamation.

30. Lima, Any map that does not have Lima clearly stated on the map cannot be sold.

31. The Ohio driver's education manual states that you must honk the horn whenever you pass another car.

This is fun.

32. Oxford, It is illegal to drive around the town square more than 100 times in a single session.

This is to prevent traffic jam.

33. It is illegal to sell beer while wearing a Santa Claus suit, even if you are a dog.

It leaves a wrong impression on the young kids.

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