Fly Geyser

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Fly Geyser:

Heard of a geyser that lies on a private property and grows in size.

Yes, the fly Geyser!

This mysterious natural phenomenon has indeed a look of a place which is more familiar to some scene from sci-fi movies rather than the nature we are used to see. And what makes it even more mysterious is that this geyser is located on private ranch which is owned by a person who does not want to allow the close public access to the place.

This weird fly geyser can be found in Hualapai Valley near Gerlach in Nevada. It “made itself” during the 1960s by all the water and minerals that is their content. Around the geyser small fishes live in the pounds, as well as swans and mallards. This fly geyser is 4 meters high and is built by many years of minerals just piling around it.

Despite its unusual shape, of three lions which are furiously spitting the water, the location isn’t actually much known, even amongst the residents in the nearby towns and places, probably because the private owner is keeping this true treasure only for himself.

The Fly Geyser, near Gerlach, Nevada, is strange because it somehow grows up. It is three meters high at the moment.

Wish the owner Bill Spoo will let tourists flock in. It is definitely a wondrous natural phenomenon.

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