Hollow Earth Theory

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 Dedicated to John for being so sweet and amazing!


Hollow Earth Theory:

Could the earth, moon, planets and stars all be hollow bodies?

And very likely inhabited within?

If yes, what is Our Hollow Earth like?

The Hollow Earth Theory is one of the more outrageous contemporary conspiracy proposals. A massive intergovernmental cover-up would be required to substantiate its validity. Of course, the same has been said for alien abduction, UFOs, and government-sponsored psychic activity.

Essentially, Hollow Earth theorists postulate that our planet is in fact hollow, as the name implies, with a crust thickness of 800 to 2,000 miles.

As ludicrous the notion of a hollow Earth may seem, remember that after several lunar missions, NASA asserted that our Moon may be hollow as it “rang like a bell” when impacted by rockets.

Most recently, this was affirmed when NASA scientists fired a rocket at the lunar surface in order to locate subterranean water supplies. Moreover, no one has ever drilled to a depth anywhere near the accepted limit of the Earth’s crust. In fact, the concept of a solid iron core was largely conceived because it was the only cogent explanation for calculating Earth’s gravity. Contrarily, theorists propose that within the hollow void is an entire civilization, illuminated by a small star at the center. Therein, advocates claim that the inner star or the crust itself provides sufficient gravity. It is believed that entrances to this subterranean world can be found at the North and South poles, as well as within major cave systems such as the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, USA which has never been fully surveyed. This presumption would sound ridiculous if only there was no evidence.

Edmund Halley:

In a 1692 scientific paper, Edmund Halley – yes, he of comet fame – put forth the idea that Earth consists of a shell about 800 km thick, and of two inner concentric shells and an innermost core with about the same diameter as the planet Mars.

Halley did have scientific grounds for his rather bizarre thought-construct. It tried to explain why compass readings could be so anomalous: each of the inner spheres had their own magnetic poles and rotated at differing speeds. To compound his error, Halley proposed that the inner spheres might be inhabited and that the inner atmosphere was made up of luminous gases that, when escaping outward, cause the Aurora borealis.

Leonhard Euler:

In the seventeenth century, Leonhard Euler proposed a single-shell hollow Earth with a small sun (1.000 km across) at the centre, providing light and warmth for an inner-Earth civilisation. Others proposed two inner suns, and even named them: Pluto and Proserpine.

John Cleves Symmes Jr:

In the early eighteenth century, American John Cleves Symmes Jrsupplemented the theory with the suggestion of ‘blowholes’: openings about 2.300 km across at both poles. Symes apparently was utterly convinced by his own theories: he campaigned for an expedition to the North Pole.  The intervention of President Andrew Jackson was needed – to stop it, that is.

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