[40] "I'm Feeding Two. Shut Up."

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{Monday, February 18, 2019}

{8:03 am} "SO YOU'RE GOING WITH NOVA to her doctor's appointment today?" my future sister-in-law asks as she peers at me.

"Mm-hmm. She's supposed to find out the sex today, but her and I discussed that we don't want to find out today at the appointment. We're going to have a gender reveal party in a few weeks."

"Aw, I love when couples do that," Destiny informs, grinning from ear to ear at me. "It's so cute."

I chortle quietly. That's when Nova enters the kitchen and smiles at me. "Hey, gorgeous," I reply, capturing her waist in my arms and kissing her cheek. "Did you sleep good?" She shoots me an annoyed look and I chuckle softly. Her annoyed look was her way of silently telling me that she slept horrible and I know it since I was up half the night also. "Right."

"What time is your appointment today?" Destiny asks as she peers at Nova.

Nova meets her eyes as she answers, "2:00."

Destiny nods.

~ ~ ~

{2:03 pm} "You can sit on the bed and your doctor should be with you momentarily," the nurse replies before she exits the room.

Nova sits down on the bed and I sit in the chair. "Are you nervous?" I ask, peering at my fiancé.

"No," she whispers. "Why would I be nervous?"

I shrug.

Minutes later, her doctor enters the room. "Good afternoon, Nova," she replies, squirting some hand sanitizer in her hands and rubbing it in. "How are we feeling today?"

"Fine," she whispers.

Dr. Anderson comes over and checks Nova's heart rate and blood pressure. Once that's done, she forms over a small smile. "Alright, if you'll follow me," she answers. "I'll take you into the sonogram room now to do your sonogram."

As we follow Dr. Anderson to the sonogram room, she asks, "So are we going to find out the sex today or...?"

Nova goes to answer, but I beat her to it. "We're having a gender reveal party in a few weeks," I answer. "So we'd rather not find out today. You can write the sex on a piece of paper and fold it up and give it to me to put away when we get home."

She nods. Entering the sonogram room, Nova lays down on the bed and pulls her shirt up, tucking it underneath her bra. "This gel is going to be a little cold," Dr. Anderson replies before she squirts some on Nova's stomach. Nova cringes slightly and I grab her hand. "I love you," I whisper to her before I squeeze her hand gently and kiss her cheek.

Locking eyes with me, she smiles. "I love you too."

~ ~ ~

{3:28 pm} "Daddy, you're home!" Jace calls out as he crashes into my legs. "I missed you. Where you and Mommy go today?"

I scoop Jace up in my arms and kiss his cheek. "We went to your mom's doctor's appointment." I brush my fingers through his hair. "Did you have a nice day at school?"

He nods.

{7:06 pm} After dinner that night, Trent and I clean the table while Destiny and Nova go in the living room to watch TV and the kids go to play in the playroom. "So when are y'all having Nova's gender reveal party?" Where are you having it? You having it here?" Trent peers over at me briefly before turning his undivided attention back to what he's doing.

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