[20] "Only Way To Find Out If You Are Is By Taking A Test."

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{Monday, November 26, 2018}

{6:40 am} "MAMA, I DON'T WANT TO go back to school," Devin complains as I brush his hair.

"Dude, I know you don't want to go back," I reply, "but you only have like three more weeks and then you're off for two weeks."

"Shit, this sucks," he mutters, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.

"Devin Trent Parker," I announce sharply. "Do not say that word."

"I can say whatever I want," he sasses. "Daddy says shit all the time so I say it too."

"Daddy's also a lot older than you," I inform in a sharp, motherly tone. "That word is not appropriate for you to say."

Devin huffs and rolls his eyes. "Fine, whatever," he mumbles.

Putting the hairbrush on the counter, I squirt some styling gel into my hands and style his hair into a Mohawk. When I'm done, we go downstairs and into the kitchen where I get him situated at the table with a bowl of cereal. While he's eating that, I jog back upstairs and wake KJ up.

~ ~ ~

{7:47 am} "Mama, I sleepy," KJ complains softly as he stares up at me from his stroller.

"I know, dude," I answer as I glance down at him briefly. "We have to bring Bubba up to the bus stop and then we can go back home and take a nap if you want."

I glance up and notice his bus is stopped there and his bus driver is shooting me an annoyed look. Jogging up to the bus, Devin climbs aboard and quickly turns to me. "Bye, Mama. Love you."

"Bye, baby," I reply. "I love you."

Devin turns around and plops down in the first seat in the row. His bus driver shoots me a kind smile and I smile back. The doors shut and the bus drives off.

{7:58 am} Closing the front door behind myself, KJ grabs his stuffed puppy and we go into mine and Kaiden's room. I help KJ onto the bed and he gets comfy in my spot while I get comfy in Kaiden's spot. "Lobe you, Mama," KJ murmurs as he wraps his arms around my neck and closes his eyes.

"I love you too, dude." I kiss his forehead and close my eyes also.

{8:43 am} I don't know how long I'm asleep for, but I'm suddenly woken up to a fluttering feeling in my lower abdomen. "The fuck!" I wonder quietly as I abruptly sit up. I peer beside me and notice KJ is still sound asleep. A few seconds later, I feel another fluttering feeling in my lower abdomen. "What the fuck is going on?" I ask myself quietly. "Why am I feeling these fluttering feelings?"

Climbing out of bed quietly, I grab the "What To Expect When You're Expecting" book and flip through it. When I finally find the page I'm looking for, I scan down the list of symptoms and realize one of the symptoms is the fluttering feeling in your lower abdomen. I close the book and turn around to face the black rimmed full length mirror. I lift my shirt up and notice I've gained a few pounds. "I can't possibly be pregnant," I mutter.

Setting the book down, I grab my phone and send a group text to Destiny and Nova. Sent at 8:45 am, 'Dezerae: Y'all busy?'

Sent at 8:47 am, 'Destiny: Not really, just playing with Annabelle on the floor. Everything okay?'

Sent at 8:47 am, 'Nova: Just pregnant: puking, heart burn, nauseous. You okay?'

Sent at 8:48 am, 'Dezerae: I need y'all to come over. This is important.'

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