[36] "I Bet This Would Feel Even Better."

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{5:44 pm} "HI, HONEY," I GREET TO my daughter, who's strapped into her bouncy seat. "Did you have fun with CiCi?"

Gently scooping her up in my arms, I turn my undivided attention to my mom and the boys. My mom and the boys are laying in reclined seats, asleep. "Aw," I coo softly, "that's so cute!" I fish my phone out and snap a couple pictures of them.

That's when Bethany starts fussing in my arms. "Shh, shh, baby girl," I coo, gently bouncing her. "Is somebody hungry?"

Her crying only intensifies. Situating myself on the leather couch parallel to the other one, I adjust my shirt and Bethany starts sucking.

As I'm nursing Bethany, my mom wakes up and smiles at me. "Hi, sweetie," she whispers. "When'd you get home?"

"About ten minutes ago," I answer. "Did you have fun babysitting everyone? Were the boys and Bethany on their best behavior?"

"Of course," my mom answers, smiling at me. "When is Kaiden getting home?"

"Probably 9:30," I reply. "He had to work a double again today."

"Well, I don't want to be anymore in your hair, so I'm going to leave," my mom responds, retrieving her purse and smiling at me.

"Can you please stay the night?" I whisper, peering at my mom. "Kaiden and I haven't been able to much alone time in the past week and I really want some one on one time with him."

"I don't want to leave Cooper by himself," my mom answers. "I know he's a grown man, but still."

"Have him come over here," I reply. "Mama, please, I really want some alone time with my husband later."

My mom releases a heavy sigh as she caves in. "Fine." Setting her purse down, she fishes her phone out and sends a text to Cooper.

After a few minutes, my mom puts her phone back in her purse and peers at me. "Cooper will be here soon," she answers, smiling at me.

I grin back at her. "Thank you, Mama, for y'all staying the night," I reply. "I appreciate it."

My mom sits back down where she was originally sitting and switches on 'Friends' on HBO Max.

~ ~ ~

{9:33 pm} "Hi, gorgeous," Kaiden replies as he comes over to me and pecks me on the lips. "What is Aubrie and Cooper doing here?"

"They're spending the night," I answer. "They'll keep an eye on the kids so we can have some alone time. We can go out if you want or we can just chill in our room upstairs. Whatever you want to do."

Kaiden smiles at me. That's when Devin and KJ come running into the living room and crash into Kaiden's legs. "Hi, Daddy," they greet. "We missed you."

Kaiden picks both boys up and smiles at them. "Aw, I missed y'all too. What'd y'all do today?"

"Played with CiCi," Devin answers. "She played trucks and trains with me and KJ."

He turns his undivided attention to me with a cocked eyebrow. "Oh?"

"My mom came over about 1:00 today and sat with the boys and Bethany so I could go out and have some alone time," I answer. "And then when I got home earlier, I asked her if her and Cooper would stay the night so that we can have some alone time since we haven't been able to get much of it lately."

He nods before turning his undivided attention to my mom and Cooper. "Hi, Aubrie. Hi, Cooper."

"Hello, my favorite son-in-law," my mom greets, standing up to give Kaiden a side hug.

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