[16] "What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

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{Thursday, November 15, 2018}

{10:24 am} HANDING MY YOUNGEST SON HIS chocolate chip waffle, he mumbles, "Thanks, Mama," before running off into the playroom. Seconds later, I hear the TV turn on and 'Bubble Guppies' come on.

I lean against the counter and sigh mutely. 'Damn, being a mom is hard work!' I think. That's when my phone starts ringing. Picking it up off the counter, I slide my finger across the screen and put it up to my ear. "Hello?"

I hear Nova cry loudly into the phone. Standing up straight, I sigh heavily and ask, "Nova, honey, what's wrong?"

Nova sniffles some as she takes a deep breath. "D-Dez-Dezerae, can Des-Destiny and I-I-I come over? This is-is urgent and-and I-I-I d-do-don't want to do-do-do it h-h-h-here at the-the house-house and ha-ha-have the chance-chances of-of Ja-Ja-Jake find-finding out-out be-before I-I-I tell-tell h-him-m-m."

'Wait, what does she mean by that?' I wonder mentally. Well, I mean she is my future sister-in-law and sisters are always there to help each other, so of course her and Destiny can come over so she can do whatever she has to do. "Of course, honey," I answer. "See y'all in a little bit."

~ ~ ~

{10:42 am} Letting themselves in, Destiny comes over to me and hands me a plastic Walmart shopping bag. I take it from her and raise an eyebrow. "What's this?" I ask, glancing up at her after I glance down at the bag.

Destiny pulls me aside and whispers, "They're pregnancy tests," in my ear.

I cock an eyebrow as I provide her a curious look. "Pregnancy tests for who?"

"They-They're for me-me to t-ta-take," Nova responds, wiping her tears away. "This is-is what I-I-I was say-saying was urgent and-and I-I did-didn't wa-wa-want to-to do-do it at ho-home and have the-the chan-chan-chances of Ja-Ja-Jake find-finding out be-be-before I-I-I tel-tel-tell him-him."

I nod sympathetically before I gaze up at her. "You want to go take 'em now, honey? Or wait?"

Nova gnaws on her bottom lip, debating. After a second, she whispers, "I can go take 'em now. Will you girls come sit up there with me?"

Destiny and I both caress her back. "Of course, sweetie," we answer.

Entering mine and Kaiden's bedroom, Destiny and I lay out on the bed while Nova goes into the bathroom to take the tests.

"I think she is," Destiny replies. "She's been having all the signs and she missed her period last month, so."

I beam brightly at her. "Ooooh, I'd get another niece or nephew."

Destiny grins at me.

{10:56 am} After a few minutes, Nova comes out of the bathroom, holding the four pregnancy tests. She sets them down on the dresser and sets a timer for five minutes.

Destiny and I sit up and Nova begins pacing back and forth, gnawing on her bottom lip. "What's the worst that could happen?" Destiny asks, giving Nova a curious look.

Nova freezes and slowly turns to face Destiny. "It could come back positive," she whispers. "It's been over six years since I had a baby last! I don't know what to do."

Destiny frowns at her.

I climb out of bed and place my hand on her shoulder. "Honey, if they come back positive, Destiny and I will be here for you," I reply. "We'll always be here for you."

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