[29] "I Can't Wait To See His Reaction."

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I STAYED IN THE HOSPITAL for a couple more days and then they released Bethany and I on 28. Since we didn't really have any baby girl stuff, Kaycie and my mom ended up going to 'Target' Wednesday and bought clothes for Bethany, toiletries for her, diapers, memes, her a car seat, her a dresser, etcetera. And then yesterday, my mom and Kaycie took KJ and Devin to 'Ikea' in San Diego and they let KJ pick out what toddler bed he wanted (so now Bethany's using the crib). But she isn't sleeping in the crib just yet since she's still sleeping in her bassinet in our room. It definitely has been a lot to adjust too, but Bethany was definitely a miracle so we're very thankful for her.

{Monday, December 31, 2018}

Today is New Year's Eve. We're supposed to be going over to Jake and Trent's house later for the evening and to welcome in 2019 with everyone and then we're spending the night (since it'll be New Year's Eve and we don't want to take any chances with drunk drivers being on the road).

{11:34 am} "Hey, babe?" Kaiden asks, peering at me.

I glance up from me staring down at Bethany (who I'm currently nursing) and cock an eyebrow. "What's up, baby?"

"What all are we bringing to Jake and Trent's house later?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "I'll go ahead gather it all."

"The playpen that's set up in the playroom, my breast pump, Bethany's diaper bag, pajamas for the boys and us," I list off. Kakden's about to go upstairs, but I speak up, "Oh, and we need to bring Nova's glass pan back to their house."

He shoots me a thumbs up. Turning back to Bethany, I smile down at her as I lightly brush my thumb against her cheek. "I can't wait for you to meet all your cousins," I coo to her.

That's when someone taps my knee. Peering up, I observe it's Devin. "Hey, dude," I greet. "What's up?"

"What's sissy doing to you?" he asks in his baby voice as he points at Bethany.

"She's eating," I reply, brushing my fingers through his hair.

"How?" Devin cocks his head to the side with a confused look on his face.

"I'm nursing her," I acknowledge. "I did this same thing with you and your brother when y'all were baby's."

"Can I have some, Mama?" he asks, smiling cockily at me.

'Lordy' I think. 'Just what I need; another Kaiden.' I giggle softly as I shake my head. "Sorry, bud," I apologize. "But it's only for your baby sister. You're a big boy and you eat big boy food."

Devin frowns at me and then runs off into the other room.

After I burp Bethany, I lay her down on the pillow beside me and go into the playroom. Entering, I discover Kaiden over in the corner, struggling to fit the playpen in its bag. "Need help?" I ask, going over to him.

"Please." Once it's in the bag, he turns to me with a cocked eyebrow. "Where's Bethany? You done feeding her?"

"Mm-hmm." I nod. "She's asleep on the couch in the living room now. You have everything together that we need?"

"Almost," he replies. "Where's Bethany's spit up cloth? I think that's the only thing left to pack away."

"On the kitchen table," I reply. "Where'd you put Bethany's car seat when we got home the other day?"

"I think it's on the floor underneath the bar counter in the kitchen," he answers. "Damn, our mom's really went above and beyond last week when they went out and bought us stuff for Bethany and her a new dresser and the car seat."

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