[11] "Not Like I Haven't Seen It Before."

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{3:52 pm} WHEN I WAKE UP, I glance down beside me and realize that Nova is still cuddled up with me and she's still sound asleep. Quietly, I check the time on my Apple Watch and realize it's almost 4:00. I gently shake my girlfriend awake. She sits up and turns her attention to me. "What?" she asks, rubbing her eyes.

"Babe, it's our eighteen month anniversary," I acknowledge happily, "did you honestly think I didn't plan anything special for tonight?"

She giggles softly. "I hope this something special is just laying in bed together," she answers, "and talking because I'm comfy right here." She lays back down and cuddles up to him again.

"As much fun as that sounds," I answer, chuckling softly, "I got something a little more special planned. Our reservations is 6:00."

My beautiful girlfriend sits up and gives me a puzzled look. "Reservations? For where?"

I chuckle as I sit up as well. "That, babe," I answer, "is a surprise."

Nova grins at me and then leans over and presses her lips against mine. "You simply are the greatest boyfriend ever. I love you so much!" she replies against my lips.

I grin against her lips. "Not as great as my girlfriend. I love you so much too, baby!"

She pulls away and gives me a quick hug. "Thank you for this romantic weekend," she replies, "I'm really enjoying it."

I chuckle as I brush my fingers through her "sex" hair. "Just wait, babe, this romantic weekend isn't over yet." I lean in and lightly kiss her bare shoulder before moving my lips and faintly caressing my lips against her neck. As I do that, Nova moans softly.

After a second, I pull away and climb out of bed. I hear Nova whisper, "That butt though," behind me. I chuckle softly before I answer, "You can shower first if you want. I have to do something before I can go shower."

She nods and climbs out of bed as well. I stare at her bare ass hungrily as she walks to the bathroom. As soon as I hear the bathroom door click shut, I moan loudly at the booty show I just got. 'Damn!'

▶︎▷▶︎ NOVA WEST ◁◀︎◁

As soon as I shut the bathroom door, I hear Jake moan loudly. I release a soft giggle as I switch the shower on. Seconds later, I step in and under the warm water. {4:14 pm} Ten minutes later, I switch the shower off and step out to dry myself off. Once dried, I wrap the towel around my body and grab one for my hair. I turn to the sink and switch the faucet on, drifting off into my dreamland as I think about the amazing sex I just had a couple hours earlier and how amazing Jake made the experience. As I'm reminiscing, I'm suddenly snapped out of it when someone wraps their arms around me and I jump ten feet in the air, startled. "Sorry, baby," Jake whispers in my ear before his lips start planting light, gentle kisses against my bare shoulder and neck.

"Bentley Jacob Allocco, I'm naked under this towel!" I shriek playfully. "What are you doing in here? Besides, I thought I locked the door."

Jake chuckles. "What? Am I not allowed to see my beautiful girlfriend after her shower? And, FYI, you forgot to lock the door."

I grumble a curse word as I sigh.

Jake chuckles again as he kisses my cheek. "I'm done doing what I needed to do out there so I'm going to take my shower now," he replies to me. "So you're about to see the ass side of me."

I giggle softly. "Not like I haven't seen it before."

Jake smirks widely at me and then switches the water on. I brush my lips against his and then exit the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Glancing up and spotting something on table, I gasp softly and smile. I take a closer look and realize it's something Jake must have set up while I was in the shower. "Jakey!" I whisper, simply star struck.

I reach down for the note and read it: "+Part One of Jake and Nova's Big Night. You're wearing this tonight for the big, special surprise x. I love you, gorgeous! <3+"

Putting the note down, I reach into the solid black, shiny gift bag and pull out a black dress. I realize it's like a tank top almost for the bust and then it turns into a deep V in the back and it meets in the middle a few inches above the butt and it's a V in front also. Plus, it has black and silver rhinestones going along the bust. {4:19 pm} Smiling to myself, I drop the dress back in the gift bag and go over to my suitcase. I pull my black thongs that said 'PINK' all over them in pink lettering and my black invisibra backless bra pad thingies. I retrieve the dress from the gift bag and slip into it. Going over to the full length mirror hanging on the wall beside the bathroom door, I realize that it stops about mid-thigh and it looks amazing on me. (My normal bra/cup size is 32B, but this invisibra makes me look like I'm 34C, so yeah.) Grabbing the white robe from off its hook on the bathroom door, I slip that on and go over to the white vanity to do my hair and makeup.

~ ~ ~

{4:36 pm} Zipping up my makeup bag, I hover my hand over the curling wand to make sure it's warmed up enough. It is, so I pick it up and start curling my hair. As I'm doing that, I glance up in the mirror and spot Jake coming out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I smile at him and then go back to doing my hair. A few minutes later, Jake appears beside me and I notice he's wearing his black low-rise jeans, a black long sleeve button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his black and white Converse. I observe silently as he grabs his bottle of styling gel and squirts some in his hands. He rubs his hands together and then spikes his up in the middle to make a Mohawk. Then, he puts on his jewelry and sprays on some of his Eros Eau de Toilette cologne. Once done with my hair, I switch my curling wand off and spray some of my Japanese Cherry Blossom scented perfume on.

{5:00 pm} Standing up, I remove the robe and I hear Jake gasp faintly. "Wow," he mutters.

"What?" I ask, glancing up at him.

"You look so hot," he compliments. "Damn, I am so lucky!" He comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "I can't wait to show you the next couple parts of the anniversary present," he replies to me. "I can't wait to see the look on your face."

Smiling at him, I lightly peck him on the lips and then grab my black pocketbook.

Treasured Miracles [Series 3 of Bittersweet Disasters]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang