t h i r t y

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Dallas followed Rick to the truck, watching Daryl put some things in the back. T-Dog walked up to him, handing him a gun. Daryl examined it before shoving it behind him.

"ready?" Rick asked as they approached. Daryl nodded and opened the door to hop in.

"i'll get him in the back," T-Dog spoke, and walked off.

he returned not even seconds later, Randall not with him and the barn left wide open.

minutes later, Daryl, Rick, Andrea, Dallas, and T-Dog were all looking through the barn. they searched it completely, and found no trace of him.

people started to run from inside the house, Hershel and Carol reaching Rick first.

"cuffs are still hooked, must have slipped them," Rick stated, stepping out of the barn. Dallas followed, panic and confusion starting to fill him. 

"is that possible?" 

"it is if you've got nothing to lose," Andrea told Carol, walking out as well. Dallas followed Daryl as he paced around. Tyler walked up to him, about to speak, when a familiar voice rang out.

"Rick!" it was Shane. everyone turned to see the man appearing from the tree line. the blood on his face was the first thing noticed by the group. 

"what happened?" Lori called out.

"he's armed! he's got my gun," Shane yelled as he got closer. Dallas focused on his face, noticing the way his nose was broken and the blood streamed down his lips and chin. his shirt was messy and he walked with an urgency.

"Shane! are you okay?" Carl attempted to run, but Lori grabbed him and tugged him back behind her. instead of the harsh glare towards Shane like usual, she looked at him with full concern. she looked scared

"what happened?" Rick stepped away from everyone, meeting Shane halfway across the yard. everyone slowly followed behind, looking around with weary.

"i'm fine, the little bastard snuck up on me. clocked me in the face," Shane looked angry as he spoke, but Dallas could see there was more than just anger that fueled the man. ever since Dallas had found out about Shane and Lori, he hadn't missed the dirty looks he shot Rick, or how he seemed like he would do anything for Lori and Carl.

"Dal, i don't trust this," he heard Tyler whisper, interrupting his thoughts. he turned to the younger, a confused expression on his face. Tyler looked around, and pulled Dallas a few feet away from everyone else as Shane continued to speak. 

"what do you mean?"

"Shane. i've seen Randall, he wouldn't be able to break Shane's nose in one hit, steal his gun and run. did you see all the blood on the ground and around the cuffs? it was a lot. he's weak right now, but he still managed to take Shane on? it doesn't add up."

Dallas glanced between Shane and Rick, eyes narrowed. he motioned for Tyler to follow him back to the group.

"he got you?" Daryl asked, doubt on his face.  Shane looked at him, and at that moment, Dallas felt a shudder. his gaze was just cold. nothing like how he had been before. he looked so shaken up, like the night with Otis.

"yeah, he did." Shane wiped some of the blood from his face, spatting a mixture of spit and blood into the ground. Daryl looked him up and down, clearly still suspicious of the man.

"i'll go out and look." Dallas grabbed his gun from his pocket, showing Rick he was armed and ready to head out. Daryl slung his crossbow over his shoulder, and took a step next to Dallas.

"Hershel and Tyler, you two get everyone in the house. Glenn, Dallas, Daryl, you three come with Shane and i." Rick looked between everyone. he didn't need to say another word. Hershel nodded, motioning for the group not mentioned to head to the house. Patricia glanced at Shane, switching between his busted nose and wide eyes. she looked fearful. 

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