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"Why should we help them?" Tyler snapped softly. "We don't know them."

"Did you see Carol? She looks like she hasn't slept in days. The most we can do is help her friend to make her worry less and give her a nice warm meal. Is it so hard to help them?"

"Yes, it is. You can't help every sleep deprived old lady to come staggering up onto our lawn."

"It isn't ours. It's Andrea's."

"Why do you care so much? How do you already have their names memorized?" Tyler stopped putting meat on the plate and glared at his brother. "We're not joining them. You don't know who's with them."

"They could have a doctor," Dallas objected. His brother crossed his arms.

"They said they don't."

"Doesn't mean they don't have somebody with more experience than us. Tyler, you're only eighteen, and I'm barely twenty. We have much less experience than any of these people. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to leave for a bit? Aren't you tired of being here?"

"First thing you do to the first group you see is offer them some food, some medical supplies, and you're already wanting to join them?" Tyler laughed softly. "Let's just go upstairs. I don't like that kid alone by himself, especially since he has his gun on him."

Dallas rolled his eyes, leading his brother upstairs. Glenn's head perked up when the two closed the door.

"There's enough here for you guys to eat here, and take some back to your group. We'll cook some in the fireplace," Dallas told Glenn, nodding to the small burnt looking place in the wall. "I hope you don't mind, but can we hold onto your weapons until you leave?"

"What's wrong with your mom?" He asked, seemingly genuinely curious by the way his eyes widened slightly. He pulled his gun and a knife out, setting them on the table with no hesitation. He trusted too easily, the same negative trait Dallas clearly possessed.

"None of your business," Tyler snapped coldly. Dallas elbowed him, almost knocking the tray from his hands.

"She has cancer," he said, giving Tyler a sharp glare. "Wasn't too bad at the start. But now it's gotten worse. She's seeming to get better though."

Tyler walked to the fireplace, lighting with a lighter he pulled from his pocket. Dallas sat across from Glenn, and set his knife gently on the table, just to show he wasn't defenseless. Glenn was taller then both Dallas and Tyler, even if it was only by a little.

"How many are in your group?" He asked, looking over the man. Dirt caked his face and arms, meaning he probably hadn't had a shower in awhile. Maybe he should offer him one? No, they needed the water.

"Not that many. Uh," he looked up, trying to think. "There's Carol, Andrea, Sophia, which is Carol's daughter, T-Dog, Dale, Rick, Lori, Shane, Carl, Daryl, and I. Most of us has been together from the start. Is it just you three and your dogs?"

"Yeah. We used to have our dad, but he burned down in our house," Dallas explained, and showed off his scar. 

"Woah," Glenn breathed out, moving closer to get a better look. "You got that from a fire?"

"Yeap. Burned while getting out of the window," he continued, surprising himself with the calmness in his own voice. He looked shocked, and looked closer.

"Doesn't look like it was easy to heal," he remarked.

"Not in the slightest. I burned through so many bandages, and that was before we found this place. What's wrong with the guy in your group?"

"Oh, T-Dog," Glenn leaned back, clearing his throat. "We were swarmed on the highway, and had to quickly hide. I didn't see what happened, but he was running or something and got a huge slash in his arm. He won't stop bleeding, and we're running out of supplies to help him."

"Shame," Tyler shrugged. Dallas shot him a glare.

"Did you guys stitch it yet?"

"We haven't had the supplies to," he sighed. "We're very low."

"Tyler, go get me the first aid kit, the highway isn't too far, they'll be back soon," Dallas looked at him. He looked like he wanted to argue, but stood and walked off anyways.

Dallas glanced at the food that was cooking. It looked to be almost done.

Tyler returned as he was grabbing it from the fire, and set down the box. Dallas handed Glenn a small plate, and put the rest on a bigger plate for when his group got back. He handed him the uncooked food, still frozen and in the bag. He looked so thankful and so hungry. He dug in instantly. Dallas didn't judge him in the slightest.

"It's no Gordon Ramsey or anything, but it's something," Dallas smiled.

"Anything that isn't berries or stale uncooked canned food is Gordon Ramsey material at this point," Glenn laughed, a genuine smile crossing his face.

Tyler just stood there, gun in hand. It was aimed downwards, but he still saw Glenn being a bit tense.

"Jesus Christ, Tyler, put the fucking gun down. Glenn already gave us his. What do you think he's going to do? Kill you with a fork?"

Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Unlike you, I'm actually being cautious," he looked in the direction of moms room. "Since we have somebody to look after and all."

"Would you stop being such a prick? Sit down and relax," Dallas kicked a chair towards him. He just set his gun to the side and crossed his arms. Atlas sat by his feet, his mouth open in what seemed a smile as he slightly panted.

He called the dog over, petting him when he stopped walking.

Tyler reached for his gun when there was a knock at the door. Dallas shook his head, and stood. He opened the door, and was met with four new people.

Andrea was there, with three other men. They walked inside after he stepped aside and gave a warm welcome inside.

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