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changed around a few names, and also added more detail to the previous chapters. you don't have to go re-read, but if you want to, feel free!

"i'm sorry it isn't the best," Dallas apologized, looking down at the stitches.

"Nah, i'm just glad to have it closed up," T-Dog reassured him. He nodded, cleaning off the rest of the blood. His washcloth was beyond stained, and he decided to just toss it into the fire.

He stood, and watched as T-Dog also stood up. The other two men introduced themselves as Shane and Rick.

"Thank you again," Rick said, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, it's no problem," Dallas responded, tossing the needle and remaining thread into the fire as well. Shane looked around, and glanced back at him quickly. He just seemed off.

"We should be heading off," Rick spoke, taking his hat off and looking at him. "Again, thank you so much for everything."

"Happy to help," Dallas told him, smiling warmly. Andrea nodded at him, and glanced around the cabin once again. She reached forward, gently removing a picture that contained her and another female who looked somewhat similar, despite her younger appearance. She pushed it into her bag, and I gave her a smile.

"if you need anything," Rick started. "we'll be on the highway these next few days."

"i'm sure we'll be fine-"

all of the sudden, the door burst open. Dallas grabbed his gun, aiming it at whoever ran in. she was a female, long brown hair and piercing blue eyes were her defining features.

"Carol's gone," the new woman at the door looked greatly concerned. she looked around, eyes meeting Dallas' before back to Rick.

"what?" Rick stepped closer to the woman. "did you send anybody out to look?"

"Daryl's out now," the woman spoke. "who're these two?"

"who are you?" Tyler demanded. his gun was aimed right for her head. Dallas stepped between the two, in his way.

"Tyler, put that down," he curtly spoke to his brother, and turned back to Rick. "I can come and help you look for her."

"what?" Tyler asked, eyes widening. "you don't even know them!"

"Tyler, just look after mom and the dogs," he responded, reaching for his gun. Rick gave him a nod, and walked for the door.


"we aren't arguing about this," Dallas cut him off. Tyler glared at him, but didn't try to argue further. he followed Rick and Shane outside, shutting the door behind him. Glenn gave him a thankful glance, and walked to Rick's side.

"alright, Andrea and Glenn, you two head left. T-Dog and Dallas, you two the other way. Shane and i will head straight. everybody, meet up at the highway," Rick was quick to give orders. "do not shoot your guns unless you have to. Carol has nothing more than an old pocket knife on her, so we need to be quick."

"do we stay quiet, or call for her?" Andrea asked. he told her to stay quiet for at least half a mile, as she probably wasn't this close to the cabin anyways.

he nodded, and started to walk off with T-Dog right behind him. they walked in a tense silence, the only sounds being the leaves hitting the ground as they fell from the trees and their footsteps that they tried to hard to keep quiet.

a roamer crossed into Dallas' line of sight. he crept up behind, not surprised when it turned and started to go after him. he quickly stabbed its head, and looked over the body. he was looking for any sign that somebody struggled with the walker, such as fresh blood or torn skin. but there was nothing.

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