t w e l v e

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Dallas had woken up early. Hershel was up, and he was asking a few people to go and get rocks cleared from a section in the back. he watched as Dallas stood, and told him to lay back down. he'd be needed, as Carl needed more blood. he was okay, but he definitely needed more blood in his system. Tyler, surprisingly, stood from the couch and followed everyone outside. he took the dogs, and tied the leashes to the porch so they wouldn't get in the way.

Dallas followed Hershel into the room where his mother and Carl lay. he prepped the needle, and saw as he gazed over to his mothers sleeping body.

"you do know, she's really sick," he told the boy. he nodded, rolling his sleeve up as he approached with the needle. he stuck it in, and continued to speak. "you should be here for her. she doesn't have much time left."

"what do you mean?" he questioned, glancing over to her once again. he knew. he just didn't want to speak on it, or admit he knew she was running thin in time.

"she'll pass soon," Hershel stated, watching how much blood filled the IV. it ran into Carl's arm, into his body. Dallas felt pride in the fact he could help Rick, despite them all being almost complete strangers. yet, he found himself becoming comfortable in their company.

he heard a loud noice approaching the house, and he stood. Hershel motioned to the needle still in his arm, and walked to the window. he looked back, and sighed.

"it's the rest of your group. i need a bit more blood from you, then you can head out there. be careful, you may feel weak after standing," Hershel told him, walking closer. he didn't bother correcting him this time.

"thank you so much for helping us," Dallas gave him a smile. Hershel nodded, and gave him a small smile in return. he stared at the window, seeing nothing as the curtain and bright sunlight blocked his view of outside to the room.

he started to think. if they were coming back now, did that mean they found Sophia? or did they just go with the plan to leave a sign and supplies?

Rick and Lori walked into the room as Hershel removed the needle from Dallas' arm. he stood, reaching for the wall to steady himself at first. he looked down to see Carl starting to stir.

"fever's gone down," Hershel looked to Rick. Lori was the first to say something when Carl started to stir again and open his eyes.

"baby," she sat on the edge of his bed and ran a hand down his cheek. he finally opened them fully, and looked to Rick.

"Sophia?" he asked softly. he looked so beyond tired, and sounded even worse off. but he looked healthier. "is she okay?"

for a moment, nobody said a thing. Rick looked at Lori, and back to Carl with a forced smile.

"fine. she's fine," he told the boy.

"rest," Lori told him. "we'll be right here, okay?"

"okay," he nodded, closing his eyes to try and fall back asleep. the door opened, and T-Dog stepped into the room. he looked to Lori as he spoke.

"they're here," he stated. Rick nodded, and they both stood. Dallas followed them out of the room, and to the front door. he still stumbled slightly, but could mostly keep his balance.

Lori held the door open for him, letting it fall shut once he stepped outside. she gave him a thankful smile after glancing at the cotton he held over his arm. he nodded back, and followed Rick down the steps.

everyone else came out as well, staring at the unknown group. Dale was the first to speak, looking at Rick with worry.

"how is he?" he asked.

"he pulled through," Lori smiled, stepping closer to her husband. Maggie was looking at the RV, and then at Daryl on his motercycle. "thanks to Hershel, and his people."

"and Shane," Rick spoke, glancing to his friend with a fond expression. "we'd have lost Carl if it wasn't for him."

Shane looked uncomfortable when everyone turned to look at him. the fearful expression he held yesterday was gone, and replaced with something else. he had shaven his hair off, and just overall looked more intimidating.

Dale stepped forward, giving Rick a hug. Carol pulled Lori in, telling her how worried they were. T-Dog greeted Andrea, and Dale looked back to Rick.

"how'd it happen?" he asked. Rick looked away and answered quickly.

"hunting accident. that's all. just a stupid accident." Shane seemed unable to stand still, and still looked uncomfortable with the topic at hand. he refused to look at any of Hershels people.

one of Hershels other daughters, Beth, stepped up to place a rock on the pile. Hershel started to read from the bible in his hand, as everyone stood by with their hats off and heads hung low.

Dallas had come to learn that Otis and Patricia weren't actually blood related to the Greene family. they were close friends, Patricia working as Hershels veterinary assistant, and Otis helping them maintain the farm. that was another thing learned; Hershel had been a vet before the whole world went to shit. after seeing what he did for Carl, Dallas had no doubt in his mind Hershel could have very well become a doctor for people too, if he had wanted.

Dallas stood between Daryl and Glenn, his brother beside Glenn and Shane. Daryl had his hands gripping tightly to his bag. Shane watched the family leaving the stones, an indescribable look on his face. when Hershel finally mentioned his name, saying the line,

"Otis, who gave his life to save a child's."

he seemed to fade away from reality for a moment. he looked as if he was back in the moment, a distant look crossing his face. but he didn't look scared as he did yesterday. he seemed more like he was fighting something internally.

"Shane?" Hershel spoke out quietly. Shane snapped out of his thoughts, and looked up, making eye contact with him for the first time since last night. "will you speak for Otis?"

"i can't do that," he looked down in shame. "i'm sorry." he looked back up at the pile of rocks that laid over his grave. he looked shaken up.

"you were the last one with him. will you share his final moments? please? i need to hear," Patricia looked at him. Maggie placed her hand on the blondes shoulder in comfort. "i need to know his death had meaning."

she gave him a tight lipped smile, as if to tell him it was alright. like she forgave him for the accident that wasn't his fault. she looked as if she needed to hear what he had to say, like if she didn't she wouldn't be able to rest well without that knowledge.

Shane hesitated, staring at her as if making sure she really felt okay with him speaking on behalf of her dead husband. she gave him a small nod. he mouthed the words 'i mean', looking down to the ground and back up to her for a quick moment. he couldn't hold the eye contact as he gathered up the courage to speak. Hershel looked at him with a grim expression, willing him to go on.

"we were about uh- almost out of ammo. we were down to pistols by then. i was limping. it was bad. my ankle was all swollen up. 'we gotta save the boy', see that's what he said. he gave me his backpack, shoved me ahead. 'go on' he said. said 'i- i'll take the rear, i'll cover you'. when i looked back-" he looked at Patricia. she was crying and had a hand up to her mouth.

Dale stared at him with a shocked expression. Daryl eyed him up as he started to walk towards the wheelbarrow that held the stones.

"if not for Otis," he paused, and grabbed a small rock. "i'd never have made it out alive. and that goes for Carl too. he saved us both."

Shane looked around, giving Hershel a small nod as he placed the stone into place against the others.

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