t w e n t y o n e

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Dallas had almost dozed off as he sat in his mother's room. he could hear Hershel and Rick speaking, but was too tired to try and listen. he heard Rick trying to convince Hershel to allow them to stay.

"my wife's pregnant. that's either a gift here, or a death sentence out there," he heard Rick finally proclaim. and despite already knowing this, Dallas perked up time listen. "if we were to stay, we could help you. with the work, with securing this place, we can survive together."

"Rick, i'm telling you we can't."

"you think about this, you think about what you're doing-"

"i've thought about it-"

"think about it-"

"i've thought about it!" Hershel yelled. Dallas felt himself getting a bit anxious about what would happen if Hershel did send them out there. would he even be with Rick and his group? or would he be alone with his brother and mother again? he felt the only way he could convince Tyler not to go back to the cabin would be if they were able to stay on the farm.

"think about it again," Rick stated, quieting his voice. "we can't go out there."

he heard Rick walk off, and the front door open and shut. he pretended to try and act asleep, as to not make things awkward if Hershel walked in.

"how you feeling?" he asked his mom five minutes later, when her eyes fluttered open.

"Tyler?" she asked, blinking her eyes and looking around for his younger brother. "where is Tyler?"

"he's out right now," Dallas told her, gripping her hand and leaning forward. "but i'm here."

"i want my baby," she spoke out, her eyes staring straight at the ceiling. her voice cracked when she spoke. her eyes moved back and forth, not focusing on one spot. "bring me Tyler."

"ma, he's busy right now, he can't come. but i'm here," he tried to explain. but she shook her head.

"i want Tyler."

he felt his chest grow tight at the fact she so openly preferred one of her children over the other. he let go of her hand, and sat back. she looked confused when she looked around and didn't see Tyler once again.

his breath caught in his throat when she started to shake. in surprise, he stood up and almost knocked the chair over. her arms started to move erratically, as did her torso. he backed up, horror in his eyes when he realized what was happening.

"Hershel!" he yelled, staring as she moved on the bed. he heard the man run in, and watched as he approached her.

he removed the covers from around her and removed the pillow from beneath her head. he stepped back, and Dallas looked at him with a scared expression.

"help her!" he exclaimed when he didn't move. Hershel looked at him with kind eyes.

"we have to let her go through it," Hershel told him. "her body is very weak."

Dallas could only watch as her body trembled. he wanted to look away, but couldn't find it in himself to. he wanted to get Tyler, but couldn't will himself to move his feet from where he stood.

she soon stopped, her arms falling to rest by her sides and her legs falling back against the bed. her back was no longer arched, and her breathing was calmed.

"is she okay?" he asked, finally tearing his eyes off of her, took look up at Hershel. he looked down at her, checking her pulse and looking at her eyelids. Hershel waited a few moments before looking up.

"i'm not sure," he told the boy. "we need to wait and see if she wakes up-"

"what do you mean, if?" he demanded, stepping closer and looking at his mother. her eyes were shut, and her breathing, despite have calming down, was definitely not a normal pace.

"it's to early to announce if she is unconscious or in a coma," he spoke, and looked around. he grabbed the IV left in the room, and pulled the bag down. "i need you to fill this with water. she won't be able to get it down on her own for awhile, and she needs to be hydrated."

he shakily accepted the bag, and walked out of the room. he walked into the kitchen, and filled it up with water. Dallas then brought it back, and watched him hook it up.

"there's a good chance that if she slips into a coma, she won't wake up," Hershel told him, a grim expression on his face. "if she wakes up anytime soon, you'll want to be here for it. it may be the last time you get to talk to her."

he felt himself unable to stand or sit still any longer. he was pacing around the room when Hershel left. he had told Maggie to get Tyler and to tell him what had happened.

about five minutes later, the door was open and Tyler was running in. he looked at their mom with a strained expression, glancing at Dallas for a further explanation.

"she just- she started to shake and she wouldn't stop-" he spoke, unable to stop looking at her. he felt Tyler wrap his arms around him, and he hugged back tightly.

they stood hugging for awhile, and Tyler started to cry. and once he started; he couldn't stop.

"what if she dies?" he asked, looking as Dallas sat him in the chair. "i've been thinking about it nonstop and i can't stop picturing what would happen if she did-"

"hey, calm down," Dallas kneeled down, so he was about eye level. "i'm sure mom will be alright. and if not, we have to be strong, okay?"

Tyler just sniffled and put his face into his hands. he shook his head, tears falling down his face and slipping through his fingers.

"if she dies, i didn't even get to say goodbye," Tyler mumbled from behind his hands. he sniffed.

"when she woke up," Dallas began, sitting on the floor and leaning back. his head rested against the bed frame. "she asked for you."

he still didn't respond, head still in his hands. he was trying to push his palms into his eyes to stop himself from crying so much.

"i was here, and all she talked about was wanting you."

"so? why are you telling me? are you jealous now?" his brother retorted, sniffing, but taking his hands away from his face. he wiped away the tears that fell, and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"i'm telling you because if she does die, and you don't get to talk to her again, you know she loves you. i'm not saying it in a jealous way. i'm just telling you what happened, hoping it'll comfort you," Dallas told him. Tyler's eyes grew more watery.

"you never spent much time with her," he spoke. "after it all went down.

"i know."

"but she still loved you."

"i know."

"then why didn't you sit with her?" Tyler asked. Dallas kept his mouth shut, simply shrugging.

he heard footsteps, and looked up. standing in the doorway was Daryl. he looked between Dallas and his mom. he motioned for Dallas to follow behind him, and started to walk out of the doorframe.

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