n i n e t e e n

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"you coming?" Shane called to Glenn, getting ready to shut the trunk that contained majority of the camps guns.

"i gotta help Dale change the spark plugs in the RV. says he's gonna teach me mechanics. i should probably go look for him-"

"you found me," Dale said from behind. Dallas turned to look. "he's a good learner."

Shane gave them a nod, and soon they were driving off. Dallas sat between Carol and Patricia as they drove.

about thirty minutes later, everyone was lined up and practicing. they all had their own guns, trying to hit the bottles lined up. Dallas was stood between Patricia and Beth, helping to encourage them to shoot the glass.

Carol stood around, watching through the binoculars for any sigh of walkers. Andrea seemed to be hitting her targets perfectly, even when handed a gun with a heavier weight.

"so, you decided not to leave us. something change your mind?" he heard the blonde ask. he turned and looked who she had been speaking to.

Shane had been standing by her, looking down. at the mention of staying for something, he looked over. Dallas followed his gaze, landing on Carl and Lori. when he looked back, the man was clenching his jaw, eyes narrowing slightly when they landed on his friend.

then it clicked.

had Shane and Lori had an affair? he recalled the other day when they seemed to be speaking rather unpleasantly. then to the time she told him her and Carl weren't his responsibility anymore.

he had heard that Rick had been announced dead by Shane, only to return to his family soon after the apocalypse had gone down. he'd been shot twice, and ended up in the hospital. he was lucky to have survived.

he turned his attention back to hyping up people, guiding and helping teach. T-Dog and Rick were doing the same.

they got back to camp, and Rick started to unload the guns. Andrea and Shane stayed out, him stating she needed to learn to hit a moving target.

at camp, Dallas watched Lori had Glenn a slip of paper, and half an hour later, he was off with Maggie on horses.

he was sharpening his knife when he saw Dale and Shane speaking. he saw the tension rise. they stood closer, and Shane looked absolutely pissed. he walked off moments later.

the day seemed to fly by. he hadn't done much after the practice shooting. by the end of the day, everyone sat around the fire, even Daryl. Dallas found himself sitting between Daryl and Tyler.

at the end of the night, as everyone turned to go to bed, heading into their respected tents, he saw Daryl motion for him to follow. he told Tyler he'd be inside in a few minutes, and followed close behind.

"shouldn't you be resting?" Dallas asked, as Daryl led him to the edge of the yard.

"i've been resting ever since that damn arrow left me, i'm bored," he answered, taking a deep breath of the chilled air.

"that's fair," he agreed, but kept a keen eye on his movement, to see if he seemed in pain at all while they walked. "ya know, i got something that could help with the pain."

"hmm?" he turned, eyebrow raised in curiously.

"it ain't much," he spoke, stretching his arms out. "but Tyler and i found some cannabis back at the cabin. a lot of it. he doesn't smoke, and i haven't in awhile. if you want, i can grab it and we could."

Daryl nodded, and leaned against the fence. he pointed to a part of the yard that was further out.

"meet me there," Daryl told him. he nodded, and headed back to the tent.

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