Chapter Four: [Part Five]

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When William finally did leave from his spot on the sidewalk, he couldn't bear the thought of going home. It wasn't his home anymore. It was with Claude but now it meant nothing to him. He truly never wanted to see Sebastian's face again. So, he went directly to Grell instead. He couldn't sleep on the sidewalk, after all. Once he got to the door, he knocked awkwardly and realized just then how terrible he must look. 

"Hello-" Grell took one look at William and brought him inside. "My goodness, what happened to you? Are you okay?" 

"Claude is dead," William replied. Grell gasped and started crying. William realized, watching Grell cry, that he hadn't shed any tears for himself. "I doubt there will be a funeral. I have no real extended family to invite anyway. Truthfully, I don't want to see Sebastian Michaelis ever again if I can help it," he drabbled on. 

"I understand," Grell nodded. 

"Truthfully, I didn't want to come here either," William continued muttering on. "I don't think I should see you again." 


"I seem to pollute everyone's lives," William stared at the ground. "I only bring misfortune to those I care about like some cruel curse has been bestowed upon me. I want you to have a happy life. But, unfortunately, I came here anyway because I have nowhere else to go and Sebastian is probably off with his new partner in that place." 

"Will," Grell cupped his face and stared into his eyes. "If you're a curse, you're awful at it because you've only made my life more enjoyable." 


Grell leaned forward and kissed him. It was a soft, kind, kiss. He didn't want to be too intimate with someone currently shifting through a lot of emotions. William, longing for some sort of comfort, made it more intimate. He reached up to take off Grell's wig, running his hands down to remove the red blouse. He desperately wanted physical closeness and was finally able to understand the drug that Sebastian had used for so long in his life. 

"Will," Grell held him in his arms so tightly he barely had space to move. "Although I do appreciate you taking the initiative, this isn't the most healthy of choices given the circumstances. Let's get you cleaned up okay?" 

"Please..." William hid his face in the crook of Grell's neck. "All I can see when I close my eyes is the body of another person I failed to save. Let me forget somehow..." 

"You can forget with a pile of chocolates and a poorly written romantic comedy, just like everyone else," Grell ran his hands through William's hair. "But first we really need to get you cleaned up." 


William lay on the couch with his head on Grell's lap. He played with his hair as his eyes stared at the screen. Grell was right, this movie was terrible. Not even slightly enjoyable. But he couldn't close his eyes and he couldn't sleep. His eyes were wide awake and staring. 

"I don't know why I ever thought I would make a decent parent," William admitted after many hours of silence. 

"You weren't decent, you were one of the best. Any parent that cares for their child as much as you do is a decent parent." 

"But, I didn't care." 

"You did. You cared quite a bit. If you didn't care it wouldn't trouble you so much." 

"I should've done better." 

"No one is perfect, Will." 

"I should've done better." 

"What are you going to do about Sebastian?" Grell asked, changing the subject. 

"I'm filing for divorce as soon as I can think properly again." 

"Divorce?" Grell gasped. 

"Our relationship was a cruel farce. There is no reason to continue the presentation now that there is no reason binding us together." 

"Oh," Grell remained quiet, unsure of what that meant for their relationship currently. What even was this relationship between them? 

"Sutcliff..." William began, "No, Grell," he corrected himself and turned his head slightly to look up at him. "I can't say that I love you, I don't know if I ever will be able to, truthfully I have no idea what the word love means. But, if you'll have me, I would like to stay with you for whatever remains of my life." 

Grell blinked, extremely confused. "Are you asking me to marry you when you're technically still married?" 

"No," William shook his head and turned back to face the TV. "I don't think I'll ever be fond of the idea of marriage. I don't want to feel as if I'm trapping you into staying with me as I did with Michaelis." 

"If you're willing to have me, then I look forward to our lives together." 


"He wants you to divorce him?" Ciel wrapped the sheets around himself as he looked at Sebastian's naked back. "That's good." 

"Good?" Sebastian scoffed. "You're happy about my marriage ending?" 

"This means I get to officially have you all to myself, of course I'm happy." 

"Aren't you a bit despicable?" 

"You're hardly any better," Ciel chuckled. "So, when are you going to officially separate?" 

"As soon as possible probably." 

"What about the funeral arrangements?" 

"I doubt there will be any," Sebastian sighed. "William wouldn't want to have another funeral after the torture he went through trying to get the one for his sister together. Besides, his family didn't care for him much to begin with." 

"What about your family?" 

Sebastian scoffed again. "What family?" 

"I'm your family now," Ciel pressed his face into Sebastian's back as he hugged him from behind. 

"I should hope so. I've got no one left." 


Sebastian and William successfully divorced and went their separate ways. Sebastian tried to maintain some sort of relationship with William but no attempts to reach out were ever successful. Sebastian and Ciel had a touchy relationship that went on and off with many break-ups since Sebastian still had trouble with really opening up to someone. William and Grell remained together with few major arguments, but William was never able to get over the mental trauma of his previous marriage and marry Grell.

And so, they lived, not so happily ever after. 

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