Chapter Two: [Part Two]

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"Dr. Spears," Grell walked into William's office. "Do you believe in fate?" he asked. William barely looked up from his work. This was a familiar scene. Sebastian, and now Grell, he knew that his office hours were listed but never once did William think someone would actually visit him. Should he be pleased? Or concerned? 

"I cannot say that I do," William refused to look up at Grell. He didn't care about how rude he was being to the man, he had work to do. There were papers that needed grading. Nothing ever finished itself. 

"Well, I do," Grell smiled. The man didn't sit down, instead he continued standing in front of William's desk. 

"Congratulations," William said. He still hadn't looked up at the man. "Is there a reason for your visit? Or did you just wish to discuss the concept of fate?" 

"You can't honestly tell me that you don't get bored sitting in here during office hours. Doesn't it get lonely if people don't visit you?" Grell asked. William pondered the question for a brief moment. No. It didn't get lonely. He never even thought about it. It was true that not many people visited him...but did it matter? Didn't that mean not many of his students needed help? That he was teaching adequately? 

"Are you not going to talk to me now? Did I offend you in some way?" Grell frowned. William held up his finger to signal Grell to stop speaking. He'd just heard something; he sensed something, and it wasn't a good feeling. Something bad was about to happen. Was this the fate Grell spoke of? 

William stood up and walked over to the door of his office. He removed the lock-down magnet and closed the door, making sure to cover the small window with the black paper. There weren't any windows in this room, that was good. The door was locked. The door window covered. Grell still unsure what was going on and about to ask questions when the school's siren went off. 

"Oh my god," Grell panicked. "Is this happening? Is this really happening? The one day I decide not to skip classes and we have ourselves a school intruder?" Grell paced back and forth in the small room. William remaining calm all the while. He grabbed Grell's arm and dragged him to the corner of the room, the one blind spot of the door. 

"Calm down," William began, "Treat it as a drill. This college is known to keep people on their toes in that way. They have to make sure everyone is prepared for the worst, we aren't that far from the city." William's attempts at calming Grell down weren't the slightest bit helpful. 

William's ears weren't that much better than the average person's, but he did find them to be quite beneficial at times. He wasn't sure if he was better at hearing, or simply more observant to the things around him. In any case, he heard footsteps that sounded off. Not wanting Grell to get scared and scream, William placed a hand over the red-head's mouth. He pinned his student to the wall. For Grell, this was an odd turn of events, and he was partially thinking William was making a move on him. For William, he was simply thinking that if the stranger broke into the room, he could act as a shield and at least protect Grell from harm. Pretty standard teacher behavior in his mind. 

"Don't move. Don't panic. Try to keep your breathing steady and quiet," William whispered into Grell's ear. The guy's heartbeat was wild. Was he really that terrified? Or was it something else entirely? William still refused to think that Grell might be interested in him. 

The doorknob to the room shook violently. Whoever was out there clearly wanted in here. Why? William couldn't think of one thing in his office that was valuable. He heard muffled complaints as the doorknob still rattled. When the silence finally did cease, William waited for at least ten minutes before providing space between him and Grell. 

"I apologize if that made you uncomfortable," William adjusted his glasses. Adrenaline was pumping through his bloodstream. His hands were shaking but it wasn't that noticeable. 

"Oh my god, is he gone? Do you think we're safe?" Grell spoke in a hushed tone. 

William maneuvered to the door. He carefully lifted the window's covering to take a look outside. It didn't seem as if there was anyone there. The school's siren went off a second time to announce that the threat was over. William walked over to his computer to check his email. They should've sent him something if it was a drill. The problem was, that even though there was an email, and even though he knew in his brain that it was a drill...something was clearly wrong. He'd have to look into this later. A security guard wouldn't try to break into his office so badly. What was going on here? 

"There is no need to be alarmed," he assured Grell. "It seems this was a drill after all." 

"It's over?" Grell looked as if he was taking a moment to process it. When his brain was reconnected with his body he ran towards William and hugged him, crying on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm was so scary. I'm the fragile type..." he spoke between sobs. William, not used to comforting people, stood there awkwardly as his student cried. 

"I apologize," was all William could say in response. "I'm not the best at providing emotional support," he said. Being honest was the only thing he really knew how to do. 

"Sometimes, that's just what a really emotional person needs, a sturdy rock to keep them from crumbling," Grell replied. William hadn't thought about that before. It made sense to him. Even if the wet tear stains in his suit jacket didn't make any sense. Even if the closeness of the male standing here didn't make any sense. At least he understood the gist of it now.

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