Chapter One: {Part Two}

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"Finally, this is how you diagram the bonds in these chemicals. Don't forget the octet rule in your homework due tomorrow," Sebastian placed the marker on the edge of the whiteboard and sat down at his desk to finish grading papers. This was a mystical sight unknown to many a high school student as teachers never graded papers let alone posted them in the online grade-book. The bell rang and the students hurried out the door, except one. He had done this everyday this week. It was getting on Sebastian's last nerve. He understood now all of the pain he'd forced upon William. Poor guy. He just wanted to get his work done. Was this karma? This was karma, wasn't it?

"Is there something I can help you with, Ciel?" Sebastian asked with that smile of his. The boy continued to sit and stare at him. He didn't say a word. Students from the next class began entering the room. Still no movement. Sebastian began to wonder if the kid was dead. Should he make a scene? Or let him do as he wished? Perhaps security would 'gently' guide him to his next class. The student that usually sat where Ciel did in Sebastian's next class was looking a bit out of place.

"Are you going to grace me with your presence all day? Or are you going to continue your education?" Sebastian stared at Ciel until he answered. The room was quiet as all the students watched the interaction. Some were mentally placing bets as to who would win. Teacher vs Student. High schoolers loved watching that, as much as they didn't dare admit it.

"Oh," Ciel looked startled. "I'm sorry, I got distracted by your handsome face," he smirked and gathered his things. This damned brat. Students whispered to each other about Ciel's sexuality. The transfer student was gay? Rumors would spread. This wouldn't end well for the kid. Sebastian wanted him to suffer for his own foolish flirting. But, he couldn't allow the statement to be made. It was out of place. They were teacher and student. Sebastian was a bastard but he wasn't that type of bastard.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, my dear," Sebastian winked. He couldn't help himself. Laughter filled the room. The students had taken the interaction as a joke. Sebastian didn't know how to feel. He just let it happen.

Ciel's face appeared to redden with embarrassment but Sebastian ignored it and began his next class. The problem child left without another word. He wouldn't have to worry about that any longer. Or, that's what he thought. After the tedious hours of school had passed, he was called into the principal's office. Sebastian hoped and begged this wasn't about his response to Ciel's statement. That wasn't worth being fired, was it? Maybe they just wanted to tell him about a trivial matter. They did that sometimes.

Sebastian sped up his walk. His shoes made a loud noise on the tile of the hallways. He turned sharply and nearly ran into a student. "My apologies," he began, until he realized this said student was Ciel Phantomhive.

"Mr. Michaelis," Ciel didn't look the least bit concerned. "I've been looking for you. Glad to see you could finally make it." Ciel grabbed Sebastian's hand and dragged him into the principal's office. This was certainly unusual. How long was he going to hold Sebastian's hand? Yes, Sebastian, that is the most important thing about this interaction. Sure. Okay. Don't worry about potentially getting fired, worry about how long a kid is going to hold your hand. Smart.

"There is a situation," the principal sighed. "The Phantomhive family is a very powerful one. We need you to satisfy this boy's whims. You will stay after school under the guise of tutoring. Don't get this establishment into trouble. Do as he wishes, do you understand?"

"No, I'm not sure I do," Sebastian snatched his hand away. "What is it exactly that you want me to do? Ciel isn't a student that needs tutoring services. He is perfectly capable of maintaining his own grades."

"Satisfy his whims," the principal repeated.

"Be my dog, Mr. Michaelis," Ciel smirked. "You have to sit when I say 'sit.'"

Sebastian never thought he would use William as a means to get out of something, but this whole situation seemed off. So, he decided to try it. "I'm a married man, Sir. I can't stay after school everyday. I have a kid, a family, to care for."

"Do you want your job?" the man replied. "I suggest you don't speak of this to your spouse, or anyone for that matter. The tutoring will take place twice a week. That's all. I'm counting on you, Mr. Michaelis. My hands are tied here. Don't disappoint me."

Sebastian knew there was no getting out of this. "I understand," he tried his best to keep from sighing. What was he supposed to tell William? Should he trust that his superpower of knowing everything kicked in? But, what if it didn't? Ah, but their relationship wasn't the type to be entirely truthful. He should just act normal. Yes, that's it. It was just a tutoring session. What could possibly go wrong?

"I knew I should've become a stripper instead of going to college," Sebastian mumbled to himself while fumbling for his keys. "You don't have to think about anything when you're a stripper," he continued mumbling until he got into his car. A strange interaction with a student happened today. A strange interaction with his boss happened too. Sebastian just wanted to go home, pronto.

"Strippers get easy money. It's not a bad career. Maybe I still have time to become one," he sighed. No, William wouldn't enjoy being married to a stripper. Or, would he? Maybe he'd surprise Sebastian. Perhaps he should give it a go. They'd afford a lot more if he became a stripper. How would Claude feel about it?

Sebastian's thoughts ran wild as he started his car. He wanted nothing more than to disappear, but just as he was about to leave...Ciel appeared outside the vehicle's door. The teacher had no choice but to roll his window down. "Do you need something?" Sebastian reluctantly asked. He was half tempted to run the kid over instead of talking.

"Yes, I do," he smiled before kissing Sebastian. The man was too stunned to respond. Did that just happen? That had to be fake. A student didn't just kiss him. No. Definitely not. Ciel waved and left without any explanation. Sebastian sat for a moment. He didn't like where this was going. He certainly didn't want to find out where it would lead.

"Damnit," Sebastian slammed his hand on the steering wheel before driving off. How would he explain this to William? Would he even discuss it at all?

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