Prologue: [Part Two]

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~a month later~

"There," Sebastian threw a few papers down on William's desk. "I went and got my balls squeezed by a highly attractive young nurse just to prove to you I'm not a dumbass. I know how to have protected sex, William." He crossed his arms and looked satisfied. There was more than that, wasn't there? Sebastian didn't go out of his way just to prove a point. Granted, that was part of his charm, but there was something else he wanted out of this conversation.

"Congratulations, Michaelis," William said. "What does this have to do with me?" he asked as he collected the papers and handed them back to Sebastian. He had no interest in whatever it was Sebastian was planning, but he figured since it (most likely) involved him he had a right to know.

Sebastian placed his hand on the desk and leaned down to look William in the eyes. "Have sex with me."

"I have no interest in being intimate with the likes of you," William replied without so much as an inkling of emotion. He grabbed Sebastian's hand and removed it from his desk.

"I don't understand," Sebastian threw his hands in the air. "I make straight men fall to their knees on a daily basis. I can seduce any women I've ever talked to. What makes you so special? Are you ace? Is that it? Please tell me you're ace. I don't know what else would make sense."

"Michaelis," William turned around in his chair and sighed. "Have you ever considered that the world doesn't revolve around you? There are people out there that aren't interested in being with someone who is so clearly uncommitted to their partner. People don't always think of sex as sex. There are some that find it to be a very emotionally connecting activity that bonds two people together that truly care about each other."

"I never thought I'd see the day when you of all people said something so endearing," Sebastian admitted. He statement revealed that he was half surprised and half mocking William. But, Sebastian was always doing both of those things. William had plenty of retorts, he just chose to keep most of them to himself. Sebastian hadn't reached his level yet.

"I'm not saying that is what I believe but there is a certain level of emotion required to procreate," William turned back around in his chair and continued working.

"What are you saying? That you're a stone-cold bastard that doesn't care about anyone or anything?" Sebastian scoffed.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Now, leave me alone." William didn't care what Sebastian or anyone else thought of him. As long as he was true to himself and his actions were not ones that he regretted, he would be able to live a satisfactory life.

"Who threw a stick up your ass? You're being so difficult! It's just sex! Just do it! Humor me and it'll all be over for you!" Sebastian pleaded. There had been something on his mind for the past few days, or so William had observed. He was being a bit more attached than normal. He was also going out less and less. Could it be that Sebastian was developing feelings for him? William pushed the thought to the side. Who in their right mind would develop feelings for him? Of all people...

"Not everyone wants to have sex with you," William shot a glare. So, that was only partially true. William had entertained the idea on occasion, but only because he couldn't imagine why everyone, and he means everyone, wanted to bed Sebastian so badly. Sure, he had a rather attractive body, a nice face, and a smooth tongue, but everything else about him was so...sleazy.

"Yes they do, I mean look at me!" Sebastian gestured to himself. William wasn't looking at him but he might as well gesture anyway. It's the thought that counts. William still couldn't fathom how Sebastian was worth anyone's salt.

William sighed deeply and took off his glasses. He squeezed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes for a moment. "If I have sex with you, will you finally leave me alone?" he asked. The poor man was desperate for solitude. Sebastian was getting on his last nerve. Holding out on him only made the guy more interested. If he gave him what he wanted, like all of the others before him, maybe he would be free of the demon's curse. Sex fiend. Incubus. Devil. William just wanted a room to himself, but that was too good to be true.

"If that's what it takes," Sebastian smiled. "I'm willing to do anything for sex."

"Swear on your life because if you test me I will end up murdering you," William glared. Sebastian wanted to assume this threat was hollow, but William glaring without his glasses somehow made it all the more real. It sent a chill down Sebastian's spine. When faced with death, there isn't much to be done but swear on your honor. That's Sebastian's motto. Or, it is for today at least.

"I solemnly swear," Sebastian crossed his heart. He didn't hope to die but that would be the end result, probably. Just one more person to add to the list of people out to kill him. The only problem would be the fact they were roommates...that might make running from death a bit harder.

William stood up and loosened his tie. "Then let's get this over with," he glared. One moment of pain would bring months of peace. It should be worth it in the end, right?

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