Prologue: [Part Three]

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William experienced a brief moment of solitude for about three days. On the fourth day, Sebastian was back at it again with his incessant refusal to leave William be. If any more of this nonsense occurred, William would have to retreat to the nearest library. He hated being there, but at least it was quiet. Unlike his current lodgings, the library had a sense of decency. People were there to get things done. And, it was the one place William was certain Sebastian would never step foot in.

"William, Willy, Will, T., Spears, Spear, Spoon, Spider, Spatula," Sebastian plopped his butt on the twin sized bed and continued butchering William's name in attempts to get him to respond. William, on his last thread of sanity, threw a pen directly by Sebastian's head. The impact it made with the wall was so intense, that the pen was now in the depths of said wall and would never come back to it's homeland. Such a shame, really, that pen was one of William's favorites.

"What could you possibly want from me?" William turned around in his desk chair to face Sebastian. He crossed his legs and folded his hands. It took every ounce of his self-control not to strangle his roommate.

"Let's have sex," he smiled.


"What about dinner?" Sebastian tilted his head, "then sex."

"No," William reached for another pen.

"Before you try to assassinate me again, will you at least give me a viable reason?" Sebastian held up his hands. There weren't police here, just a defenseless human fighting an emotionless murderer. "From what I could tell, you seemed to enjoy yourself quite a bit. So, don't tell me that was an act. I won't believe you," Sebastian smirked.

"Why is it that people like you always become addicted to the things they can't have? I have no interest in this kind of relationship with you. You're my roommate. It's not practical. These things only turn out one way. One of the two involved develops feelings and gets hurt."

"Well, we both know you won't develop feelings so could it be that you're concerned about me getting hurt? I'm flattered, truly," Sebastian snickered.

"There is also the simple fact that you sleep around far too much," William adjusted his glasses before continuing, "I have no interest in receiving a sexually transmitted disease or illness." It was at this time that Sebastian would've responded with 'how do you know you don't have one already?' but he knew for a fact that William couldn't possibly get laid that much so he didn't bother saying it. Just look at the straight-laced guy...definitely not a lady's man.

"William, I would be willing to do anything as long as it meant I could bed you again," Sebastian tried his best to make that sound romantic. It didn't. But that was fine. It caught William's ear nonetheless.

"Anything?" William's lip turned upward ever so slightly.

"Anything," Sebastian confirmed.

"Go get tested again and remain sexually inactive for a week. Then and only then, will I consider it," William turned around in his chair and went back to work. He was fully expecting Sebastian to refuse or fail. This was an easy win. What he didn't expect was Sebastian's determination to have sex with him again. He should've realized, but it still surprised him.

"I need to have my balls squeezed by a sexy nurse again? How much do you not trust me?" Sebastian sighed and laid on his bed. He wondered if he'd get the same nurse. Wouldn't that be entertaining?

"It's not you that I don't trust, it's the people you sleep with. You don't just get these things through sex, Michaelis. Bodily fluid, such as blood, can lead to catching a disease," William explained.

"But they're sexually transmitted how do you get them without sex?" Sebastian angrily waved his arms at the ceiling.

"Did you not listen to me? Blood, Michaelis. A steamy French kiss with a stranger might very well lead to HIV if you bite their lip accidentally," William sighed. He wanted to be a college professor not a high school health teacher. Was Sebastian really this stupid or was he just being ignorant to get on William's nerves? Both. Probably both.

"There is no getting out of this then?"

"Not if your dedicated to your cause," William said. "You could always continue your endeavor to sleep with everyone under the sun, even if none of them give you the same satisfaction as I did."

"Quite confident, aren't you?" Sebastian scoffed.

"Not confident, I just know," William turned his head to properly smirk at Sebastian for the first time in the entirety that they knew each other. "There are rumors, you know, about how the playboy can't get it up anymore."

"What the fuck?! What do you mean rumors!"

William's eyes gleamed with amusement but he returned to facing his pile of books. "I'm kidding, of course," he lied. William kept tabs on all of the things Sebastian did in case anything was illegal and could jeopardize him in any way. His underground network of information was surprisingly effective. He was flattered, really, that Sebastian had lost all ability because of him. Sure, he had been joking about some of the 'rumor' but the point was still the same.

"For the record, it's not like that at all. I just haven't been feeling fulfilled," Sebastian rolled on his side with his back facing William. The entire truth of the matter was the sex didn't feel as good. He'd assumed William drugged him or something. Maybe this was the imp's ultimate prank. Get a playboy to have sex with a loser one time, and boom, he can never have sex the same again. Truth hurts.

"It's practically the same thing as far as you're concerned," William held back a chuckle. Sex was Sebastian's drug whether he admitted it or not. He wouldn't last the week and everything would go back to how it was before. Right?

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