Chapter One: {Part One}

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There was a new student in the school. Sebastian had only seen him a few times. He wasn't short, per se, but he wasn't tall either. He did, however, have a wonderful aura about him. Sebastian didn't know if it was his hair color, his eyes, or his overall well-dressed nature. Apparently, the kid was a transfer student; he wasn't just new, he was from England and he'd be entering Sebastian's class. This was going to be a problem. Sebastian felt weird about the whole thing. This kid was up to something but Sebastian didn't know what...yet.

"Mr. Michaelis," a coworker called. Sebastian greeted them with a smile as they entered his classroom. "The new kid might be a bit of a handful, are you going to be okay? We can give him to someone else if you would prefer..."

"I'll be fine, thank you for your concern," Sebastian continued smiling (making minimal replies) until the person ended the gossip and left. He sighed. School was a mess. He would much rather join the hooligans selling drugs in the bathroom than teach his next class. When was that guy supposed to show up anyway? Was it today? Or tomorrow? What was his name again? It was something in French...Sebastian's brain wandered off to think about the reasons he first learned French. It was to impress ladies, naturally. French, the language of love, and letters that you don't pronounce. 

"Ciel Phantomhive," the infamous kid spoke as he sat down on Sebastian's desk and smiled. Sebastian hadn't even noticed him enter the room. Was he a ninja? Sebastian would never know. "You must be Mr. Michaelis. I've heard a lot about you." Really? From where? Sebastian didn't think many people talked about him. But, then again, he also didn't think that high school students took pictures of him in secret and sold them. 

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Sebastian returned the smile. "Did you come here early just to grace my desk with your rear-end? Your seat is over there," Sebastian pointed. The kid didn't move a muscle and continued to stare into Sebastian's eyes. He was looking for something in them. Maybe the answer to a question, or maybe just an attempt at intimidation. This kid must be rich, his clothes screamed money. What rich person in this day and age wouldn't try intimidating someone? 

"Do you want to know a secret?" Ciel pointed to his eye, the one with just a slight tint of purple. Sebastian wouldn't have noticed it if the lighting had been any different. "This eye can see into the minds of the people it gazes upon. Mr. Michaelis, your mind is rather filthy." Ciel got up off the desk and made his way over to the seat that Sebastian had pointed to. Sebastian wasn't one to believe in the things the psychic sort had to say, but he couldn't deny the fact that the interaction had been on his mind for the remainder of the day. Upon reaching home, he was still thoroughly puzzled.

"I think one of my students is out to get me," Sebastian reluctantly thought aloud. William stared at him, with his standard blank expression, and placed the fork back down on the table. He looked displeased, but that might've been Sebastian's imagination. What would William have to be displeased about? He was William for crying out loud. 

"Ah," realization hit Sebastian like a brick to the face. "That was a strange thing to say, wasn't it?" No wonder William looked like that. This wasn't the way to start a conversation after a long day. Saying the first thing on your mind was a bit rude. He didn't even bother to greet William, he just blurted out a thought about a student William knew nothing about.   

"It most certainly was," William agreed. "Mind explaining? That's the first thing you've said all night. Aren't you interested too, Claude?" William looked over to the kid. Claude nodded, smiling from ear to ear. Sebastian almost felt a bit guilty. Almost.

"There is a transfer student and he is in one of my classes," Sebastian began. "I think he is out to get me," he sighed. "It's only the first day of him in my class and he sat on my desk, basically picking a fight. I didn't do a single thing to him."

"Is that so?" William looked down at his half eaten plate of food. He'd lost all interest in eating. "It sounds like you have an admirer, not a delinquent," he noted. William had no intentions of delving deeper into that. His suspicions were almost never incorrect. William knew everything. Sebastian seemed to think so, at least. He had no idea how William got all of his information but he didn't dare do anything stupid. Getting William mad was one of the things he was most afraid of. Besides, they were finally starting to get closer to each other...or maybe it was all in Sebastian's mind.

"Come Claude, let's go on a walk," William held his hand out for the boy to grab. Claude grabbed it eagerly, and followed William out the door. William didn't look at Sebastian again. He just left. It was almost as if William was leaving the thought behind, not wanting to admit to himself that a student might have feelings for his husband. 

"I feel like I've said something wrong," Sebastian sighed. He didn't know what it was that he said that might've caused William to leave, Sebastian just knew he didn't want to think about Ciel anymore. This must be a part of the kid's game. He wouldn't play. He refused. He'd made a decision right then and there, a promise to himself, not to submit to this student's foolish tricks. Sebastian just didn't realize how terribly he would fail. 

If a Phantomhive boy didn't get what he wished, he simply wasn't a Phantomhive boy. 

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