Chapter Three: {Part Four}

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Sebastian returned to the apartment that night having completely forgotten that Ciel was there. The minute he walked through the door and saw him, memory rushed back. This was bad. He couldn't continue to betray William like this, not like this. He was still in the hospital suffering the same as he'd always been.

"Right," he said. "You're here."

"That's a bit rude," Ciel frowned. "Do you know how long I had to play with your son before he was willing to go to bed? He was frantic with you being gone like that. Show me a bit more gratitude."

"Ah, of course," Sebastian had naturally forgotten his son existed. He was too concerned with William. The man wasn't acting like himself. No, it was better to say that he was acting far too much like himself. All of those years spent trying to crack him, trying to break down some of his walls and, for what? For him to get sent to the hospital and for those walls to get rebuilt?

"Hey, are you okay?" Ciel reached out to grab Sebastian's arm, only to have him brush it off.

"I'm fine, but you need to leave," Sebastian had no intentions of glaring but the glare was still there. William needed him. As long as William still needed him, there was no room in his heart for anyone else. He felt stupid, guilty, among a number of other things. But the emotion that consumed him the most was dread. He dreaded the thought that William would come home a stranger. They'd gone through so much loss together, only to separate and go through a different kind of loss apart.

Ciel grabbed Sebastian by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to his level. He stared him in the eyes and spat words laced with venom. "We've already had sex, Sebastian. There is nothing you can do to change that. You're already in over your head. But, sure, for you, I'll leave. I won't come back. I won't talk to you again. I'll graduate and I'll move on and, one day, you'll come crawling back to me because you're a filthy sex fiend. You love sex, Sebastian Michaelis. That man? The one you're married to? He can't give you anything because he has nothing to give. He is a hollow shell and once you realize that, I'll be at your door," Ciel let go and left. He walked right out without so much as looking back.

Sebastian stood stone still. The words sunk into his ears. He cursed. He cursed himself and he cursed the world. He knew what Ciel said was right, but he couldn't change the fact that he'd made a commitment. They were married. They'd promised each other. He'd already betrayed William; he needed to make things right. If he wasn't going to stand by that broken man, who would?

"Dad?" Claude entered the room. He grabbed the sleeve of Sebastian's shirt. "Is Father going to be okay?" he asked. He rubbed his eyes, having just woken up. Did Ciel wake him with those words of challenge? Poor kid.

"He is going to be just fine," Sebastian smiled, picking up Claude in his arms. "There is nothing to worry about."

"Who was the person you left me with?" Claude frowned. "I don't like him very much."

"Didn't I tell you? That was my student," Sebastian sat on the couch with Claude resting on his knee. "Why don't you like him? Was he mean?"

"He didn't seem like a student," Claude yawned, resting his head on Sebastian's shoulder. This kid was going to be a pain in the neck one day. He was too smart for his own good. Sebastian bit his lower lip. He had secrets to keep and far too many to keep track of. William was bound to grow more distant if he ever found out the truth.

Sebastian's phone rang in his pocket. He checked the caller-ID but it wasn't listed. "Hello?" he whispered, trying not to disturb Claude.

"Michaelis?" the voice sounded like William's. It couldn't have been anyone else. It was too late at night for that. Plus, only William ever called him 'Michaelis.'


"I need to tell you something," William sounded hesitant, unsure of what to say, but ultimately Sebastian was too tired for this.

"Can you hurry it up? I need to get Claude to bed and I'm tired as well," Sebastian yawned. Whatever William had to say, it could wait until tomorrow.

"Ah, he hasn't slept yet?" there was an uneasiness in William's voice that Sebastian wasn't fond of. He frowned. William couldn't see his face but he still frowned. He'd made a mistake asking William to hurry up. He should've just listened. Why was he such an asshole?

"He was sleeping but he heard me get home and is now...well...on my lap asking questions."

"You should look after him then. Sorry to trouble you after you were just here. It was nothing. Look after Claude," there was a click and William hung up before Sebastian could even say anything in response.

Sebastian found himself closing his eyes and nodding off on the couch. He was too tired to feel any more regret. Claude had fallen asleep in his arms. The two kept each other warm until morning came. Both unaware of the future.

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