Chapter One: {Part Four}

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"Mr. Michaelis," Ciel Phantomhive closed the door behind him. This room was strange. All it consisted of was two chairs on opposing sides of a table. The table wasn't small, it was a normal rectangular piece of wood, but, the walls...there was nothing on them. There were no windows. The lighting felt strange. It wasn't that there was too little, no, there seemed to be too much. It bounced off of the white walls and blinded Sebastian's eyes. Something about this room made Sebastian uncomfortable. There was only one door and it was on the side Ciel was closest to. Was he being interrogated? Was this some sort of interrogation room? Why the hell would that be in a high school?

"This room was specially built for the two of us. There are no cameras, no rules, and it's in a part of the school where no one would ever notice it. I'd created the design myself and funded it. There is nothing to worry about. What happens in this room will only be known to us," he explained as the doorknob clicked. Did he lock it? Was Sebastian now locked in this room with a teenage brat? And there was no one at all that found that strange? Of course not, Ciel had everyone under his thumb. The only one who would get punished if anything went wrong would be Sebastian. He was the scapegoat, damn that principal.

"That's all well and good, but why would any of this be necessary?" Sebastian fiddled with the handcuffs keeping him in his chair. This brought back memories, not unpleasant ones, but memories all the same.

Ciel smiled and circled around the table. He sat on Sebastian's lap, straddling him. "I want you to feel comfortable," he said. Ciel brought his hands to Sebastian's hair and played with it. "I like you. You're not afraid to say what you think. You don't care about status or class. It's...refreshing." None of what Ciel was saying made Sebastian the slightest bit comfortable. Why was Ciel sitting on him? Why was he handcuffed? Why was he in a room alone with a boy that clearly wanted to get into his pants? Who was this kid's parent? Why did they raise him to be such a prat?

"Do I have any say in what goes on behind this door?" Sebastian asked. He regretted asking the moment he saw Ciel's eyes glimmer in amusement.

"No, not really," Ciel kissed Sebastian. This was the second time Sebastian was too shocked to do anything. He already knew something was crazy about this kid but now he knew it for certain. This was a damn setup. He had hoped that maybe somewhere along the way it actually would've turned into a tutoring session. But, nope, this kid was a horny bastard. Sebastian refused to play along. If a fight was what this kid wanted, then he wouldn't give him a fight, in fact, he wouldn't do anything at all.

"Are you just going to let me harass you?" Ciel looked confused. Oh, so you didn't think about this all that well did you? Do you even know the type of person your teacher is? Sebastian smiled. Maybe his first plan of attack would work after all. Would Ciel lose interest in a toy that didn't fight back?

"If a boy like you is interested in someone like me, an old man, I don't really see why I should be fighting," he answered. Sebastian hoped that age might make a difference. How old was this kid? He really didn't want to go in the news as a pedophile teacher. He also didn't want to submit because this kid had enough power to fire him and end his life as he knew it. If there was ever a time to regret not becoming a stripper, it was now.

"You're not that much older than me," Ciel confessed. He was still playing with Sebastian's hair. "There isn't really a problem, to be honest, besides the fact that you're my teacher. If we had met anywhere else...say...five years in the future...this kind of relationship wouldn't be that strange. You're only, what, ten years older than me? It's only weird because of the setting. I'm not underage. There isn't anything to feel bad about. It's not like things like this haven't happened before."

Fucking hell. Just how many screws did this kid have loose? He'd have to change tactics. "I am married, you know that right?"

"What happens in this room is between us. I told you, didn't I? This room is special. No one will know a single thing. Did I mention it was soundproof too?" Ciel smirked. "Whoever you're married too must not be that important. You don't wear a ring and you don't have any pictures of your family on your desk. You rarely talk about your home life. I've asked all of the faculty about you and they can't say they know a single thing." Ciel's smirk only appeared more devilish the longer he wore it.

Damnit. Sebastian couldn't fight with that logic. He wasn't in love with William so of course it looked like he didn't care. He did love the guy, but romance and love aren't always the same. Love comes in many forms. His love for William...whatever he felt towards William...Sebastian would never know if it was returned or even if it was truly romantic love.

"For today's tutoring session," Ciel ran a hand down Sebastian's chest. "I think I need a health lesson. Teach me anatomy," he said as he unbuttoned Sebastian's shirt. The teacher tried to resist where this was going. No amount of fiddling with these handcuffs helped him in any way. Was this specially designed too? Damnit.

"Humans start out with more bones at birth," Sebastian began, "then by the time they reach adulthood there are only two-hundred and six."

"Fascinating," Ciel didn't sound as if he cared what Sebastian said. He was only interested in one thing but continued to keep up the premise of a tutoring session. "We might have a problem, Mr. Michaelis. I have one extra bone."

Realization hit Sebastian like a brick to the face. He'd seen it coming but why did this kid have to be such a pervert? How was he supposed to keep this civil? His hands were quite literally tied. How much longer would this torture continue?

"You'll have to tell me how to fix it, Mr. Michaelis." The lights flickered as soon as Ciel finished his sentence. If that didn't send chills down Sebastian's spine he didn't know what would. Was he a demon? Was Sebastian being haunted by a sex obsessed ghost? He didn't know. He didn't want to find out.

"Well? Mr. Michaelis? I'm waiting for the instructions."

And wait he would. Sebastian would try his damn best to keep this civil. Ultimately, he would fail. He would fail so badly that all memory of William, Claude, Terada, college, would disappear for a moment. It was just him and Ciel in this the edge of the universe where no one would bother them. It would only be after it was all over that memory returned and Sebastian...didn't know what to feel about what he'd just done. It was only after it was all over that Sebastian realized the true meaning of the word 'incubus.'

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