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Creative Titles 101

Happy Friday the thirteenth 2020!

I'm sorta trying out a new 'writing style', I guess? It's . . . yeah. I just felt inspired.

The Marauders get detention for flooding the Transfiguration corridor with bubbles, and have to clean the whole hall as a punishment.

The muggle way.

Edit:~ Got to mention this is 7th year~

"This is all your fault." James grumbles, lugging a bucket of water behind him.

"My fault? You're the one who giggled like mad right when McGonagall came around the corner!" Sirius says, defensive.

James starts to issue a retort, but then has to fight to keep a straight face, spilling some of the water onto the sticky floor. "But did you see her face?"

Sirius begins to laugh as well, ceasing his half-hearted scrubbing on his side of the corridor.

Remus sighs and looks up, already done with much more of his corner than any of the rest of them. Granted, his part was far smaller than the other's, (due to sweet-talking and the coming full moon) but even with his werewolf strength, the residue from the bubble solution was difficult to get out of the floor and walls.

"Luckly, I had the foresight to take down that set of tapestries that are usually on that wall. Or else you lot would be dead by now." He scowls, though smiling slightly at the memory of students cheering and screaming as bubbles surged in from all sides.

"Hmm. Death By Bubble Solution. Rather interesting statement to have written on your grave, no?" James muses. Remus groans and Sirius scoffs, tossing his cleaning brush away.

"A pathetic death, if you ask me. I'm going to die a far more magnificently memorable death than that." Sirius grinns at that thought.

"It's the death you're going to die if you don't get this done by midnight." Remus deadpans from his spot on the floor.

"Oh please. Minnie loves me too much to let me die in such a pitiful way. She'll help me stage my dramatic exit from the world." Sirius says, starting to clean again nonetheless.

Remus rolls his eyes but also smiles fondly. "I have no doubt she will."

A comfortable silence falls, broken only by the sound of the four of them struggling to extract the liquid (which they unleashed) from the corridor. At least until James' humming sent them all over the edge.

"Hey, Pete." Sirius says, noticing something suddenly.

"Yeah?" Peter says nervously.

"Why don't you roll up your sleeves, mate? They're getting all wet!"

"No, I'm good." Peter replies, shifting uneasily and ignoring the sleeves of his robes dripping. "Are you lads almost finished?" he asks from where he's sitting by the far end of the passage.

"Yeah, mostly." James says.

Sirius looks at James incredulous. "Are you joking? You've barely started!"

"No reason." Peter says, too quickly.

"Pete?" Remus asks slowly, glancing at his friend. " Something wrong?"

Peter shakes his head and keeps attacking the sticky solution on the polished floor. "No. It's nothing."

The other three Marauders share a worried look. "Are you sure?" Sirius asks hesitantly.

"Yes! I said it's nothing!" Peter exclaims, nearly overturning the water bucket in his haste to answer.

Sirius shrugs, deciding to not pry, but Remus and James both watch Peter closely. Eventually, Remus gets back to work, but James only rubs his brush on the ground absentmindedly, still watching Peter's tense movements through the corner of his eye.

"How long do you need, Wormy?" James finally asks, flicking water in his direction. Peter doesn't react at first, and he and James have a bit of a staring contest before he sighs.

"I'm not sure." He says, picking at the corner of his already fraying robes.

"Go." James nods toward the entrance of the corridor and offers Peter a small smile. "We'll finish up for you."

Peter glances at Remus and Sirius' confused and slightly suspicious expressions before sending a grateful look to James and hurrying out of the hall. James returns to his persistent scrubbing without a second thought.

Not sure if I should do so a part two for this. . . . hmm. We'll see I guess. 

- The Wizarding Elf 

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