Drowning In An Ocean Of My Tears

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^ GUESS WHAT GUYS. I dOn't oWN thE piCtUre!


I got some of these from head canons

Sad stuff that goes through my mind 24/7

Come dwell in the deep dark dregs of depression that is called The Harry Potter Books

- Remus lost all his friends in one night.

- Dobby the free elf.

- All the marauders died apart, protecting Harry - he was present when each of them died.

- Some people only remember James Potter from Snape's memory.

- "Dying? Not at all. Quicker and easier than falling asleep."

- Cedric died as a 'spare' when he was one of the only really represented Hufflepuffs still at Hogwarts with Harry.

- Tonks died just after marrying Remus, the love of her life and giving birth to her first and only son.

- Dumbridge lived.

- "'NO!'

The scream was the more terrible because he had never expected or dreamed that Professor McGonagall could make such a sound." (TDH chap. 36)

^ Guys he looks like James, Minnie is seeing James and all the pranks he would play and Lily yelling at him to get off the table and Harry flying just like him and Harry with the glasses and messy hair and Lily's eyes-

- Movie Ginny.

- Harry probably would've tried to interact with Dudley as a baby and draw pictures for his aunt and uncle as a toddler but get shoved away feeling confused and abandoned.

- Sirius's last words to Harry were an echo of James's -

"Harry, take the prophecy, grab Neville and run!" (OOTP chap. 35)

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off-" (POA chap. 12)

- When Molly saw her boggart, it showed Fred AND George lying dead TOGETHER because even in her worst nightmares she couldn't imagine them separated.

ALSO when Sirius and Remus ran in to see Molly sobbing 'Harry' was dead on the floor and his eyes were most likely closed so he looked             J U S T like James.

- Remus had to make funeral arrangements for James and Lily alone.

- The series started and ended with a marauder's son losing both his parents as a baby.

- Sirius sat in Azkaban the day after James and Lily's deaths and for a moment he thought all his friend were going to come bombard him with 'Happy Birthday!'s

- The Marauders skipped class to stay up all night with Remus on the full moon and they got disapproving looks from everyone when really they worked their brains off to achieve extremely advanced magic to help a friend that was a 'hazard to society'. But everyone just frowned at them and they got detention for being the sweet and caring friends they are.

- When Snape 'taught' Remus's DADA class, he not only gave them misleading info about werewolves, he took away Remus's right to represent himself.

- Remus had to watch Harry learn DADA from him and call him Professor Lupin when in a better world he could have been Uncle Moony.

- After the Battle of Hogwarts the Thestrals are confused by the amount of attention they're suddenly getting.

Now look back up at the (amazhang) art without crying. I dare you. 

*distant screaming*

i'M fINe

- The Wizarding Elf

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