Snow Coated Common Room

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Just note that in this book, Lames and Wolfstar are always together unless otherwise mentioned, because OTP. Perfect reasoning, right? bEcaUse OTP.  

The Marauders- more specifically Sirius, James, and Peter the little traitor- are dragging a tree into the common room without Remus' knowledge, because according to the local drama queen, "It's our last Christmas at Hogwarts and we are going to make the most of it!" Three guess to who that is. 

~Sirius POV, Christmas Holidays 7th year~

"Hey Prongs," I whisper through a face full of pine needles. (Hi Thalia!) 


"Take a hard right, maybe the crash'll be louder than you thundering over there." 

"Sod off, Padfoot! It's a miracle I can see your head over the branches!" James' voice drifts down the large hall. ( Because let's face it, Sirius' height and his name both come up on the top ten over used jokes in the HP fandom- ) 

"Shut up! It's a shame you haven't cracked your skull on a doorframe yet!" 

"Will you both keep it down?" Peter asks, struggling under the weight of the tree. 

"Oof!" I feel the tree tremble as James almost drops it, "this cursed tree is heavy!"

"Prongs," I start, sarcasm dripping from my voice," this was your idea." 

"I have an idea." An unmistakable voice says from behind me. I drop my end of the tree in surprise. 

"MERLIN'S PANTS MOONY!" James puts the tree down and covers my mouth with his hand at my outburst. 

"Now look what you've done!" He says, pulling the map out of his pocket and scanning it frantically. 

"It's fine. I put a silencing charm on the whole corridor when I heard you. It's not like you forget you're a wizard at least thrice a day," Remus deadpans, levitating the tree up with his wand. 

"Fourth time today actually," James says, " first Siri couldn't find his hairbrush for 10 minutes this morning before he remembered Accio, then he spilled water on his essay at breakfast and panicked, then during free period I hung his bag from the ceiling in the dorm and he-" 

"Tried stacking all his pillows and standing on them to reach it, yes I know." Remus grins down at me and I bury my face in my hands, trying to cool my red cheeks. 

"You can shut up now, Potter," I say. 

"See, but I don't feel like it." 

I draw my wand and point it at him. "I will-" 

"Convenient how you can remember every hex in existence when you get ticked off at Prongs, but you can't get it into your head that no one cares about your opinion," Remus says cheerfully, patting me on the head. 

I huff, grab Moony's hand and start toward the Gryffindor tower with James, Peter, and a floating tree in tow. 

I will do a part two of them decorating the tree in the common room, because James definitely got his antlers tangled up in lights. Come on. 

I'm going to try and regulate my updates from now on! I will try my best to update once a week, and maybe more than that. I'm also going to start signing my oneshots, because that seems like a fun idea. 

- TheWizardingElf

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