Talk With Trouble 7

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To Sirius: Do you ever procrastinate?

Sirius: No





Sirius: I don't ever do the work

To everyone: Would you rather go swimming in a pool or in the ocean?

James: The pool, 100%

Remus: . . .why?

James: I have two words.

James: Seaweed.

Remus: That's one word, James.

Sirius:*sniggering even though he screams at the top of his lungs when he touches seaweed*

To James: Happy slightly early birthday!

James: *screams* yEAH!

Sirius: *screaming with him*

Remus: Whenever you're finished.

To James: How do you want to celebrate you birthday? 

James: With my friends and cake

Remus: but real question is-

James: yes it will be chocolate cake Moony, obviously

To Sirius: What is the quickest way to have amazing hair?

Sirius: Well, since none of your will ever have genetics as amazing as mine

Sirius: A wig

To everyone: If it were offered to you right now, would you accept immortality?

Lily: No

Remus: absolutely not

James: no only because Lily said no and he doesn't want to live without her

Sirius: I don't need it, I'm already a god 

Hey everyone! Sorry this one is so short, I couldn't find anymore questions and I just kind of. . . . .. ran out of ideas. 

hOw hAvE wE rEacHED 2.9k reAdS!!?!??!?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday James! 

- The Wizarding Elf

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