Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 17.

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.Mackenzie's POV

"Mom are you sure your okay? I don't mind helping you clean up?"

"Mackenzie its fine. I just dropped a flower pot. Calm down."

"I am calm mom. I just worry about you."

"You realize I'm only 35 honey. Im the one that should still be worrying about you." My mom said laughing.

"Just go. I'm okay. Tyler's waiting for you outside, you don't wanna be late to your doctors appointment."

"Okay mom. Well I love you and please me safe." I said walking out the door.

"I love you too sweetheart."

I walked down the little walkway that my mom had made that is now lined with little plastic candycanes since Christmas is only a couple weeks away. I got in the car and Tyler started driving.

"Hey babe." Tyler greeted me with a kiss.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Oh my goodness. Tyler. Christmas is in a couple of weeks.."

"Yes. I'm aware of this. Why?"

"No, let me finish. My due date is December 22nd. What if the twins are born on Christmas.! That would probably be the best Christmas present i could be given."

"Honey. I seriously doubt that will happen but we can hope I guess."

I hit Tyler on the shoulder.

"Honey. Why cant you be excited?"

"Mackenzie, I am excited. I'm just not showing it as much as you."

"Well you should. You're making me feel dumb."

"I'm not trying to. I just don't see why the kids being born on Christmas is different when being born on the 22nd and the 21st or something. I mean I would hate having my birthday on Christmas and if they're anything like me they'll hate it too."

I didn't say anything because I was kind of upset that Tyler is thinking of it like that. I don't undestand why he cant be has excited as me. I mean he said that he was excited but he wasn't acting like it and he said that he would hate to have his birthday on Christmas. I don't see why its so bad. I would love to have my birthday on Christmas. Its double the presents. I mean sure when I like make friends I wouldn't really be able to have like a party cause its Christmas and everyone is with their families. I don't know. I think I'm thinking to much into it. I just need to calm down.

"Tyler, I'm sorry." I said softly.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said. I'm sorry." I repeated.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I got all mad cause you didn't get excited when I told you the twins could be born on Christmas."

"Umm, I didn't even know you we're mad." Tyler said looking confused.

"Oh, we'll umm. This is kinda awkward."

"Mackenzie, it's only awkward if you make it that way."


When suddenly Tyler interrupted me.

"Sweetheart. You just need to calm down. I mean sure I hope the twins aren't born on Christmas, but if they are I won't love them any less."

I smiled.


We arrived to the doctors office, signed in, and waited silently until our name was called.

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