Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 5.

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Mackenzies POV

"Hey. Oh my goodness! I just love your car!"

"Kenzie, I know. You tell me every time we ride together."

"I know that. I just feel you never hear me when I say it so I keep telling you!" I said grinning.

"Yeah, mhm. Ill believe that for about another 30 seconds." Tyler said reaching over to give me a kiss.

"Nope.. I will not kiss you until you tell me what today it?!" I told him pushing him back over to the other side of the car.

"DAMNIT! Whats today? Whats today? Man, I don't know?! Ill figure it out then I'm gonna get that kiss. I might even get a little bit more if you know what I mean." Tyler said raising his eyebrow like hes done it his whole life.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, and your crazy if you think your gonna get more then a kiss from me and really you forgot what today was. The one day that means the most to me!" I said looking upset.

"Honey, Calm down. I'll figure it out! Its all good."

Wow really. The one day I hoped Tyler wouldn't of forgotten he forgot. I mean its okay if he would of forgotten my birthday, or Christmas . But our 1 year Anniversary! That hurts me on so many levels and hes taking this like its funny. I mean don't tell me to calm down. You've told me to calm down on everything that's happened to me this past week and I have, but I am not calming down for this. I have been waiting for this day for like the past month. I leaned my head down on the side of the car and closed my eyes.

"Mackenzie! Wake up! Were at my house?"

"Wait what? Where am I again?" I asked so confused cause of just woke up.

"Ha, your cute after waking up, and were at my house."

"Oh, okay. But will you come pick me up and take me inside? I'm to lazy!"

"Fine babe. But only cause I love you and I haven't been the best boyfriend you! But that's gonna change, Today!" Tyler said picking me up

" Tyler! You have been a good boyfriend to me. You've been great.I mean the only thing that we can work on is our fighting. We fight for no reason and then it always ends badly."

"I know Mackenzie, But I'm going to work on not getting mad so easily so we don't fight. I am fully committed to this relationship. That is how much I love you!"

"Really? Then what is today?!" I said with a sarcastic smile on my face. "Come on if your fully committed to this relationship then whats today?"

"After I figure out what today is, i will be fully committed to this relationship!"

"Mhm, Okay! I'll believe it when I see it!"

"Really? Well the first thing I'm gonna do to show you is were gonna do a project. Together!"

"Really? What are we going to do?"

"Were making a cake! Red Velvet cause I know its your favorite."

"Okay, then, Lets do it." I said eagerly. "Now put me down so we can make it."

"Okay. let me get to the couch, Tyler told me sitting me down on the couch when I just popped back up anyways.

" Here I got the cake mix!" I yelled running to the kitchen.

"Mackenzie! Stop! Wait! Tyler yelled chasing after me.

"Tyler, What is this?" I asked with a teddy bear and a dozen roses in my hand.

"Oh, umm? Its my moms birthday today and I promised her that I would actually buy her something this year."

"Ohh." As a I sighed. "Well, Come on! Lets make the cake!"

"Ok, Babe. I'm coming."

"Alright, read me what we need."

"Three eggs

1 1/4 Cup of Water, but we should use milk. It makes the cake taste better. Nice sweet taste!

1/3 Cup of Oil, Canola oil of preferred. Oh, don't forget about the bowl. That's the most important thing. I have no idea why they don't put it on the back of the box."

"Kenzie, Your a blondie sometimes! Okay, Now read me the directions?!"

"1. Pre- Heat the oven at 400 degrees F. Make sure the oven is empty cause you dont wanna burn any pots or pans.

2. Mix the eggs, oil, and milk together until you dont see any mix on the bowl or is stirred well.

3. Pour the appropiate amount of mix into pan(s).

4. Let mix sit in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until the toothpicks in the middle of the cake comes out clean.

5. When mix is done cooking let the cake sit out for a least one hour to cool.

6. There now the directions are all finished and you can eat the cake.

There you go! All finished."

"Mackenzie. Sweetie. I get this vibe that you made up half of those directions?!"

"Oh. I did! But dont worry. All of the items that were suppose to go in the mix were right."

"Ok. Im trusting you."

"Want me to show you the box?"

"No. Its okay. I believe you."

"Ok. Good!"

------------------------------------1 hour later----------------------------------------------- ler. Get your ass down here and help me icing this cake!" I screamed as I watched Tylers moms come down stairs. Tylers mom is beautiful. Her hair as brown as mudd that you would wanna play in. Has eyes just like Tylers. Pretty and bluer then the sea. She was wearing this nice sun dress about mid-thigh. It wad covered in orange, pink, and green colors. Why she was wearing it? I had no clue. It was mid Feburary. The 3rd to be exact.

" Tyler will be down in just a moment." Tylers mom said sweetly to me.

"Thank you Ms. Alec." I said nicely back as i watched Tyler run down the stairs.

"No Mackenzie. Dont icing it. I want too. I have a very important message I wanna put on there!"

"What is it that you wanna put?"

"Ohh, youll see."

"Umm, alright? I said while watching Tyler write. "Happy One Year Anniversary! Awwwh, Tyler you did remember!"

"Babe, Oh course i remembered. Do you really think i would forget something this important. We have been together for a year. I think that this is a very special time."

"Well, thank you. This makes me so happy! Wait but who are the flowers and teddy bear for?"

"Well the teddy bear is for you" Tyler said as i watched him reach for the bear.

"Yay! I was hoping it was for me. Its adorable. Cuter then the stuffed dog you got me. But who are the flowers for?"

" Oh those really are for my mom."

"Ahh. Ok, well wanna piece of cake?"

"I would love one my love." I smiled.

A/N: Hey guys. I know its been a while since Ive uploaded but please tell me how you like it or do you think Mackenzie will be pregnant? If you like the story fan me. (:


P.S; Check out my new book, What Really Happened Last Summer? (:

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