Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 11.

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Mackenzie POV

****Next day****

I was sitting at the kitchen table talking to my mom. Well at least I was trying. Everytime I tried to say something it was always interrupted by a phone call.

"Mom, can we just have a conversation without you having a phone-"

"Hold that thought I have to take this."

"MOM! NO! I don't wanna hold on anymore. Who is more important then your pregnant daughter? I mean seriously. I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you've been on the phone almost the whole time. What I wanna talk to you about is kinda important. Can we please just talk. Please?"

"Oh Mackenzie. I'm sorry! What is it that you wanna talk about?" My mom said hanging up the phone and sticking it in her purse.

"I don't really know what to do anymore. Me and Tyler told Logan about everything and he completely overreacted and told him that they will never be friends again and that he wanted to kick his ass and it made me feel so bad because its my fault to it isn't just his fault. And then I got upset and went to my room then after like 5 minutes Tyler came up to check and make sure that I was okay and I told him that I didn't want him, or Logan, and these kids, and anything. I just wanna go die in a hole. And that's how I feel but I didn't mean for it to all come out at once and like that and I just don't know."

"Well honey-"

"Mom, I wanna ask you something and I don't want you to judge me. I just want your opinion and I'm positive I wanna do this."

"Okay Mackenzie. What is it?"

"Well. I stayed up all night thinking about this and I'm 18 and I still have my senior year and this is all to much and I want to put the twins up for adoption when there born."


"Before you say anything I want you to know why I'm doing this."

"Okay. I'm listening." My mom said seeming upset.

"I'm sitting here wearing hoodies to school to hide my bump. It's April and I still have another month before schools over. Then I have to be a senior. I don't wanna have to worry about getting a job so I can go buy diapers or formula. I cant raise a kid when I'm a kid myself. I don't know how to raise one baby, how do you think I'll be able to raise two babies. I know ill have Tyler, but I won't be able to rely on him in the middle of the night when I have to get up and feed them or change them. I have no money for cribs or clothes. And I will not be able to provide for these kids like a 27 or 28 year old would who already has a job and a husband that has a job and can supply all of that child's needs."

"Mackenzie. I understand where your coming from and I'm not going to judge your decision I just think that you giving these kids up for adoption will be a big mistake. Honey I realize that this is overwhelming for you and you don't wanna be responsible for 2 kids but you did this. You got pregnant and now you have to be responsible and take care of these two kids. You know I got pregnant with Logan and you at a very young age and I didn't want you or Logan. I realize that I kept Logan but I didn't think I could handle you. I was heading down to the adoption agency to sign you over to this wonderful family next door to Grandma. I was ready but as we were driving Logan said mommy, why are we giving sissy away? She didn't do anything, why punish her. She wants her mommy not another persons mommy. Please don't give her away. I want her. She seems like she'll be a nice baby. Give me away instead. Please keep her. Please, please, please. She can sleep in my bed with me and have all of my food. Everything! Mackenzie. Do you really think I was gonna say no. Were still giving her up? No. Logan was 4. You can't say no to a 4 year old. And now that you think about it I'm so glad that I did not give to away. If I put you up for adoption then I would of never seen you grow up. Take your first steps. Been with you on your first birthday. None of that. I would of regreted giving you up every waking moment, and I don't want you to have to feel that like I almost did."

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